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Conerned about Spiretly

Apr 19, 2010
I have a pet that has Sprietly and I also have a Critical Rating. I have been thinking... Can Sprietly Critical?

May 10, 2010
Jul 28, 2010

I have a high critical rating and often use an aura to boost my critical to about 50%. My pet never criticals on spritely, and I have used it a lot.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Your Critical ability is related to your wizard's clothing and gear. The Spritely doesn't Critical. It is a pet talent and pets aren't affected by your clothing.

Your ability to boost incoming healing is also related to your gear. Your pet's Spritely will have a base amount of "outgoing healing" that isn't affected by "outgoing healing" in your gear. However, if you have boosted your "incoming healing," then you will see a higher amount of health coming to you with all healing spells, including your pet's Spritely.

For example, on my Legendary Balance wizard, her pet's Spritely heals her for 72 + 144 health per round, for a total of about 500 (but I think the Spritely base is 50 + 100 per round, for a total of 350). The reason for her boosted healing is that she has a gear that increases her "incoming healing" by over 40%.

Jan 24, 2010
Spritely does, however, use heal boost charms you may have set on yourself before the spell is cast by your pet.

Good dog, Luna!

Scarlet Ravensong, Legendary Pyromancer