Your Critical ability is related to your wizard's clothing and gear. The Spritely doesn't Critical. It is a pet talent and pets aren't affected by your clothing.
Your ability to boost incoming healing is also related to your gear. Your pet's Spritely will have a base amount of "outgoing healing" that isn't affected by "outgoing healing" in your gear. However, if you have boosted your "incoming healing," then you will see a higher amount of health coming to you with all healing spells, including your pet's Spritely.
For example, on my Legendary Balance wizard, her pet's Spritely heals her for 72 + 144 health per round, for a total of about 500 (but I think the Spritely base is 50 + 100 per round, for a total of 350). The reason for her boosted healing is that she has a gear that increases her "incoming healing" by over 40%.