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Life Pet ...

Mar 08, 2009
Why is it so much worse than the other pets. Its a satyr that doesn't even give you satyr. INSTEAD it gives you a lvl 7 spell! I think the pet should be a centaur that gives you a beefed up centaur card.

I think Life has the right to have an awesome pet too!

Joseph Liferider
Level 43 Theurgist
Currently in The Crucible

Dec 29, 2008
Agreed, other players have better pets with better skills. I have a lvl 49 life wizard and I'm disappointed with the pet I got along with the skill it has. :?

Centuar would look much better or , if going for healing, the tree lady (I think she's called dryad, not sure how to spell). Atleast these pets will have better spells than unicorn.

Jun 04, 2009
i agree with the both of you(it is spelled that way BTW) why should we life students have to suffer with this while others get awesome pets with awesome abilities :x !

May 27, 2009
I'd like to add my agreement. Instead of a unicorn, why couldn't it summon a satyr that healed all friends, or a nice damage all spell -- life has none of those. Not to mention the annoying non-stop dancing, mine never stops to even take a breath...