Why is it so much worse than the other pets. Its a satyr that doesn't even give you satyr. INSTEAD it gives you a lvl 7 spell! I think the pet should be a centaur that gives you a beefed up centaur card.
I think Life has the right to have an awesome pet too!
Joseph Liferider Level 43 Theurgist Currently in The Crucible
Agreed, other players have better pets with better skills. I have a lvl 49 life wizard and I'm disappointed with the pet I got along with the skill it has. :?
Centuar would look much better or , if going for healing, the tree lady (I think she's called dryad, not sure how to spell). Atleast these pets will have better spells than unicorn.
i agree with the both of you(it is spelled that way BTW) why should we life students have to suffer with this while others get awesome pets with awesome abilities :x !
I'd like to add my agreement. Instead of a unicorn, why couldn't it summon a satyr that healed all friends, or a nice damage all spell -- life has none of those. Not to mention the annoying non-stop dancing, mine never stops to even take a breath...