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polaris main arc quest bug.

Feb 07, 2011
so, against my better judgement (pun intended), i decided to test-drive my "new" stats and took my balance wizard on a quick run through the early bits of polaris.

i was on the sea chicken, and i beat the life boss; when it came to the balance boss, i got criticaled on many times with my "improved" (i use that term facetiously) stats and did not block... therefore i was defeated. but i still received credit for the quest (no xp though) and was able to progress as though i had completed the quest.

as much as i find it annoying that my stats were chopped in half, and will take any victory i can get under the new system, i am reporting this because it feels cheap and dishonest (i'm also reluctant to keep going, just in case ki decides to roll my quest back).

so the question is: if i go back and defeat the balance boss, will i get my xp? also, is this a bannable offense (and by "bannable", i mean is the fact that i was able to progress, when i shouldn't have been able to, considered an exploit)?

either way, i am staying right where i am until i get confirmation on this issue.
(greyrose, your thoughts?)



Thanks for reporting the issue. I will pass it along to be investigated. I'm not sure if you are still being facetious, but you don't need to be worried about being banned for experiencing a potential bug and using the proper methods to report it.

Feb 07, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Dec 7, 2015 wrote:

Thanks for reporting the issue. I will pass it along to be investigated. I'm not sure if you are still being facetious, but you don't need to be worried about being banned for experiencing a potential bug and using the proper methods to report it.
you're welcome, and thanks for passing my feedback on~ until this issue is resolved, is it safe to keep going or will my quest be rolled back (because i *technically* didn't complete both battles)?

admittedly, i *was* being a touch sarcastic... but i'd like to think that you guys know what kind of antics to expect from me at this point. lol.


Feb 07, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Dec 7, 2015 wrote:
If you are able to continue on, feel free to go ahead.
i might do exactly that~ thanks again!
