so, against my better judgement (pun intended), i decided to test-drive my "new" stats and took my balance wizard on a quick run through the early bits of polaris.
i was on the sea chicken, and i beat the life boss; when it came to the balance boss, i got criticaled on many times with my "improved" (i use that term facetiously) stats and did not block... therefore i was defeated. but i still received credit for the quest (no xp though) and was able to progress as though i had completed the quest.
as much as i find it annoying that my stats were chopped in half, and will take any victory i can get under the new system, i am reporting this because it feels cheap and dishonest (i'm also reluctant to keep going, just in case ki decides to roll my quest back).
so the question is: if i go back and defeat the balance boss, will i get my xp? also, is this a bannable offense (and by "bannable", i mean is the fact that i was able to progress, when i shouldn't have been able to, considered an exploit)?
either way, i am staying right where i am until i get confirmation on this issue. (greyrose, your thoughts?)
Thanks for reporting the issue. I will pass it along to be investigated. I'm not sure if you are still being facetious, but you don't need to be worried about being banned for experiencing a potential bug and using the proper methods to report it.
Thanks for reporting the issue. I will pass it along to be investigated. I'm not sure if you are still being facetious, but you don't need to be worried about being banned for experiencing a potential bug and using the proper methods to report it.
you're welcome, and thanks for passing my feedback on~ until this issue is resolved, is it safe to keep going or will my quest be rolled back (because i *technically* didn't complete both battles)?
admittedly, i *was* being a touch sarcastic... but i'd like to think that you guys know what kind of antics to expect from me at this point. lol.