Q: What is the color of the Name of a Rank 6 monster?
Answer:Depends on type ex:Boss,Normal,Minion,Hard,Elite.
Question:What is the highest Rank of enemies in the game,and what is the Highest Level for Wizards?
I believe the highest level for a boss can go to eleven ( in Celestia ). Wizards ( for now) go to level sixty. Q: What are the secret doorways in the libraries ( Ex: The blocked off with ropes doorways in Wizard City, same in Krokatopia, etc. ) If you don't know, post another question! P.S. I want some professors to answer this question!
Lets see, 11. 1 in Oasis, 1 in the entrance to the pyramid, 2 in the Chamber of Fire, 2 in the Royal Hall, and 5 in the Palace of Fire.
Q: Wat are the names of the 2 Towers you have to complete before going to Big Ben? HINT: They're instances.
Clock tower east and west! Everyone should know this! Who is in the Palace in Jade Palace which their color is jade? I want anyone to reply even professors!
here is a tough one where you have to be observant... Q: what bosses give the _cowl of aspirations__tunic of asperations__introverted shoes__tamauji's deck of dissillution_.
Hint: try using "Illustrated Guide to Moo Shu's Bosses", the link to it is in one of the threads in wizard101. I'm not gonna tell you which one to make a challenge .
Manders are different colors because of their class and where their ansestors came from. Green ones cant be batled and are standard manders. Red ones had ansestors that sreved in the pyramid and have fire spells. Blue manders served in krokosphinx and have ice spells. And purple ones served in the tomb of storms and have storm spells.
Try this one: How do you get the Krok Thrasher badge?
by deafeting 100 or 250 kroks
what is the name of dragonsspyre academys fire tree?
answer is dragons and you dont answer your self 8)
my question is where in wizard city can you go to go to diffrent worlds name the place?
The Krok slayer is earned by killing 500 Kroks I think,and that's the grandfather tree...
The 8 worlds are as following:Wizard City,Krokotopia,Marleybone,MooShu,Dragonsypre,Celsia,unknown former Gobbler world,and unknown former Krok world,only 4 are accessible,a 5th coming after official launch!
Question:Who's the most powerfulest boss in the 1st world?
Well, since no one has answered, we will just leave that to the imagination, or perhaps Dworgyn himself will come and answer us someday if it's not a sensitive subject.
No, no, no. The most powerful spell for storm IS Storm Lord but Celestia wise, it's Leviathan. I may be wrong, but strongest spells for schools you get at level forty eight! Sorry I'm just making a statement.
answer is dragons and you dont answer your self 8)
my question is where in wizard city can you go to go to diffrent worlds name the place?
The Krok slayer is earned by killing 500 Kroks I think,and that's the grandfather tree...
The 8 worlds are as following:Wizard City,Krokotopia,Marleybone,MooShu,Dragonsypre,Celsia,unknown former Gobbler world,and unknown former Krok world,only 4 are accessible,a 5th coming after official launch!
Question:Who's the most powerfulest boss in the 1st world?