still wrong! geez people first fire: helephant ice: giant death: wraith myth: orthrus Life: cenatur balance: nova and finally this is where people go wrong storm: WILD BOLT! there correct me if i am wrong
blaze rubyblood grandmaster pyromancer
wrong, scarecrow for death and dragon for fire.
Ok, Dragon for Fire, Wraith against one enemy is the most powerful. Now for a new question. As of 8/16/2009, what is the name of the amulet that gives you the spell hydra? (Hint: You get it from the Jade Oni)
what is the name of the guard outside of the cyclops lane castle where you fight general akilles
I know this one umm ummmm oh yeah i think his name was romulus
ok here is my question why are the manders in krokotopia different colors?
this is easy they are diffferent colors cause of who there ancesters served and then well sorta there type purple is storm like me! blue is ice ansd so forth ok here is my question what is the name of the person you have to deafet in krock when you activate the obillisks
To answer jevaby's question. Im pretty sure its spike bonecrusher or somthin like that a rank myth boss. In the room before there are 2 rank 3 ice weavers that can be found in grand arena.
What do you have to collect from skeletal warriors in firecat alley for Shelfus Gruffheart.
To answer jevaby's question. Im pretty sure its spike bonecrusher or somthin like that a rank myth boss. In the room before there are 2 rank 3 ice weavers that can be found in grand arena.
What do you have to collect from skeletal warriors in firecat alley for Shelfus Gruffheart.
you have to get a samoori's sword from a skeletal warrior i don't know what it is called though ok here is my question... where is the royal hall beetle located