The mount prices are to high it took me forever to get 20,000 gold because i can only play on weekends now that the 90,000 dollar gold is here i have to keep renting things everyday. On the test realm i think i already ran out of money for the 7 day rent.
It only makes sense that to flat out purchase a mount, that it would be more costly.
It also makes sense that the prices will vary, depending on what type of mount you choose to purchase, being more or less costly for certain mounts.
Just like with the houses, you're going to have to 'shop smartly' and save to get which one you want. And if you're spending all your coin/crowns on renting, then it is going to be more challenging to save up for the permenant purchases.
The best suggestion is to stop renting your mounts and save up the coins/crowns for purchasing your mount. Just like buying your house(s) requires resisting to purchase other in-game items? You're going to have to resist making other permanant/temporary purchases till you've saved up to flatout buy the mount of your choice.
You also need to keep in mind that right now, the test realm is just that...A test. To see which features work, what the ratios are on availability and useage, etc...
Which means more then likely the prices there won't be a reflection of the prices for availability once those features become part of the open public pay. They may be more or less in cost (depending on their popularity in-test), then they are currently in the test realm.
I think game economies will let us see if you are correct. If KI introduces and noone buys with gold, they might lower the prices. But I think that it isn't really much, you could earn 20,000 in a weekend's play in MS or DS.
The developers state that its a status symbol and not something they expect everyone to have. Personally I agree with the fact that they are too expensive but then, if it were available to all then I guess it wouldn't really be "special" then.
Did you make a comment to KI about the prices? If you didn't, I think you should. This is the type of feed back they are looking for. There is a comment section just under where you report bugs, just fyi.
I agree the cost is to to high it should be reachable for more people. I am guessing they have placed the gold amount so high because they want to force people to buy crowns so they can get mounts etc. The monthly amount you pay to play isn't enough and they are hoping to get more out of people. I will just have to do without, here I was so excited but now I am just mad. Kind of a slap in the face.