A lot of people fear using credit cards on the internet. I understand this fear, although I've never had a problem personally, there's always a small chance I guess.
Perhaps KI could offer paying through paypal for family plan subscriptions, regular subscriptions, and crowns.
Gift cards are great but some people don't have stores that carry the cards in their vicinity. I know, I'm one. Yes, I live near Wal-Mart but this store doesn't carry them.
A lot of people fear using credit cards on the internet. I understand this fear, although I've never had a problem personally, there's always a small chance I guess.
Perhaps KI could offer paying through paypal for family plan subscriptions, regular subscriptions, and crowns.
Gift cards are great but some people don't have stores that carry the cards in their vicinity. I know, I'm one. Yes, I live near Wal-Mart but this store doesn't carry them.
Just an idea.
they have wal-mart cards now if you havent noticed, but i think they should make paypal an option.