Before it was hard enough to get around in marleybone without being nabbed for battle. Now they have moved the monsters halfway to the center so they no longer go up and down the boards section of the rooftop bridges. You can't be anywhere and be safe now! I came back to do a bit of mist wood and stone block shopping, but wound up in battle more than anything I could pick up!!!
YES. I noticed the change in the "test realm" that they had going. I sent them a comment about the patterns for Hyde Park especially. Not sure if they meant to make it that way, or if it was a mistake. Gearheads were bad enough, now it's worse. You really don't have a safe zone to stop for a minute. Bailey Mythfinder
I have found that the "sidewalk method" now works up there. I guess they want us to slip and fall to our deaths. lol. I liked the don't play in the streets and don't go near the edge thing but actually i am finding marleybone easier if you stay near the edges.
I have found that the "sidewalk method" now works up there. I guess they want us to slip and fall to our deaths. lol. I liked the don't play in the streets and don't go near the edge thing but actually i am finding marleybone easier if you stay near the edges.
I even tried that last nite, and kept being drawn into battle, unless it happened to be only the top areas with recessed sides and corners. Even tried hiding beside the brown boards in the bridges. Nope! They got me!
I noticed as you go world to world the monsters and paths get harder and harder to navagate and fight, as it should be.
IMO marlybone needs to have some of massive grinding changed to some puzzle solving like what Krok has. I also noted that you are only fighting one monster now in a lot of mob battles instead of two monsters like it used to be all over the spiral. noticed also the they slowed the mobs way down and made them dumber asp. in the beginning areas. Nothing bad in this as all.
I noticed that they also changed some of the sounds that you hear during battle, I wish KI would change back, and that is when you summon a minion you used to hear a very distinctive R-rrrr sound that let me know a minion was comming forth, Now there is a bearly audible weak sound that NEEDS TO BE CHANGED BACK! The Mount sounds asp the horse, weenies too much and the sounds of wings flapping etc. IMO need to be turned down a bit more too. It gets so you can not hear anything but the Mounts if there are a lot of them in the area.
IMO the second chance boxes need to reconise the wizards school of the wizard taking that 2nd chance, and give what they need AND take back the item they got from the battle that is if its a mooshu sword quest or some other school pasific battle.