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The word, "Noob"

Jun 12, 2009
Baker1384 wrote:
For those of us old enough to remember, "noob" was originally N00B (N, two zero's and a B). It generally referenced new users on the Internet (or one of its predecessor networks). When "hacker" speak became popular, the word became used more often.

While we're discussing words being thrown around, another one I've seen used recently is PWNED or variations on it.

(Note: I am not suggesting that they be banned, only providing information on them)

For those not familiar with the word, it comes from "owned" as when someone has taken control of another system and now "owns" it. The slightly longer phrase is "got root".

I suppose being somewhat "old school" I find this behavior somewhat annoying. I find it interesting that people who have no idea what it means, or what it takes to truly "own" a system and the effects of that behavior are is a pet peeve of mine.

Either that or I'm becoming a grumpy old man.

May 25, 2009
ok i was on my lower level wizard in the arena and this guy calls me a noob so i bring out my level 45 ice guy and find that guy again and ask him why he call me a noob.so that guy logs of and brings out his level 47 life.in the end though he added me as a friend.i was still mad though that he called me a noob so think about if that lower level person may have a grand or a high level player before you call them a noob

Cody Icehammer
level 45 ice

Jun 07, 2009
MCLARK wrote:

i completely agree i think the word ( noob) is bad to say and i hear people say it all the time!
I think the wor d noob gets annoting when people use it a lot.

Jun 06, 2009
sanmil0963 wrote:
I often hear this word a lot, but don't understand it's meaning. Would someone be so kind to tell me what a noob is?

Thank you.

not sure here, but i think noob is short for newbie. ur only supposed to use noob when the person in question demonstrates a serious lack of understanding of a concept or strategy - they're NEW to this sort of thing.
like in xGallagherx's example of someone setting off a trap with a flare spell, you get that they dont get the strat.

May 04, 2009
sanmil0963 wrote:
I often hear this word a lot, but don't understand it's meaning. Would someone be so kind to tell me what a noob is?

Thank you.
'Noob' is what low levels are called... usually. I think it's not right to call someone a noob just because they're a lower level than the person they're dealing with. I think it's unfair to call ANYONE a noob. I hate seeing people get called noobs when they're just standing around. Here's a short story: I just walked into the arena, and someone said, "Hey, noob! Wanna join our match? Of course not, you're too stupid to know what a match is!"

I resent the word, 'noob', and I will report anyone for using it even if it means I get reported back. From: Tanner WillowRunner, lvl45, pyromancer.

May 22, 2009
ugh! every one of you guys have a point not to be mean, but i have heard really mean and stuped kids say "noob doesnt mean new it means stuped dumb ugly etc." and I toatally hated when i got called a noob. so any one out there thats really nice and just got called a noob and it was used the WRONG way just report the *** whole a lot of times.

if they look at this meassege before sending it through, you no, IT'S TRUE! PLZ BAN THE WORD "NOOB!"

Dec 21, 2008
Thanks people for the information but, I already knew what it meant. I just don't like it when people say that word.

Feb 21, 2009
FoxFyr wrote:
sanmil0963 wrote:
I often hear this word a lot, but don't understand it's meaning. Would someone be so kind to tell me what a noob is?

Thank you.

not sure here, but i think noob is short for newbie. ur only supposed to use noob when the person in question demonstrates a serious lack of understanding of a concept or strategy - they're NEW to this sort of thing.
like in xGallagherx's example of someone setting off a trap with a flare spell, you get that they dont get the strat.

I think that evil word used to be for "newbie" (like you said) but now if someone calls you noob it apparently means "you are annoying and stink at this". MUCH worse. I asked someone in the game what it meant one time and they said it means annoying. I said i thought it meant you were new. They said no, that word is nub. Can someone help me with this?

Jun 16, 2009
Okay look...

"Noob" is not supposed to be this...


Look, the people calling lower levels noobs aren't going to stop, and they don't need to ban the word. Why? Like said above (I think) the kids will just find another way to sneak it through the filter like this : NO O Be
It's pretty useless taking it out of they chat.

Now, this word isn't offensive. It's simply a word that kids like to tease each other with, you should not take this word seriously.

I got called a noob when I was level 26, roaming around in Dragonspyre halls. A level 48 yelled out to me on the other side of the street, "HALT!" "NO NOOBS ALLOWED, I AM A GUARD" I continued walking, ignoring him when he yelled out again, "Get out Mrs. Noob" he continued on and on (I can't remember his exact words) but seriously, it wasn't offensive. It was funny. I mean I wasn't like "Haha thanks!" but I like how these kids think they're being so tough. "Guard of Dragonspyre"? There's no such thing.

So please, don't complain about the word, just ignore it.

Dec 12, 2008
i think so too some ppl think they know what noob is that they are so smart so for those who use that word and say you know what it means and really dont.

Noob:someone who is new to a game, or website, online game, or something

Nov 25, 2009
People call other wizards "noobs" usually because they are a lower level.

For those of you who do that I would like to point out that level does not define anyone. I am level 42 and fought someone who was about level 25. The battle went so long it was a draw. So remember that you never know if someone you think is a "noob" may be equal or better when it comes to fighting. I never call anyone a "noob". It's rude and everyone was a low level once. Also, it's a lame insult. I mean come on! I've heard worse than that!

As for the people who use "noob" to insult people who are winning, I would like to point out how childish that is. Instead of getting mad, use the defeat to learn. There is nothing wrong with using treasure cards. If you dont like it, fight someone else.

And finally, if someone is calling you a "noob" and/or is saying things to make you mad, dont say rude things back! It only makes it worse. Just shake it off and move on with your day. You dont need everyones approval.

Destiny Dragoncoin lvl 42 balance. Secondary is ice. (and I use treasure cards)

Return harsh words with kindness, and be at peace.

Jan 24, 2010
FlipFredFredBurger wrote:
Rihanna12 wrote:
I'm sure you walk around hearing people saying the word, noob, I hate that word. Did you know: That some people think noobs are dumb people. It's a common misunderstanding. I don't think people should make fun of people at most level 12, because they were one at one point, even I was one (so cute when I was just a little apprentice theurgist), so I think the text chat should block the word, noob, because it's not correctly used, and I don't like it all!

Caroline Sunbright
Grandmaster theugist level 50
I agree completly because in the arena there was a initiate storm guy who called me and my friend a noob then we won at the end

Ok, in my defense (Yeah, I'm the storm guy who called you a noob) I didn't even know what the word meant at that point. i was at my friend's house and we were playing W101 together and I noticed that it was the only 'bad word' not filtered. so i used it without knowing what it meant.

May 31, 2009
if i can`t swear or cuss at idiots the least i can do is call them "noob". now i don`t accually want to cuss and swear, but people can be frustrating. "noob" is an easy answer for for when someone does somthing stupid, without thinking, or really is new. my 10 year old is a noob she runs around in cirles and can`t understand why the arrow points one way when she needs to go the other it was one of those things where you needed to go to digmore to get to the roof top and she was in the commons going to the museum because thats where the arrow pointed!!!!

keep noob it is a great word for this type of game.

Dec 16, 2008
The word noob is horrible i think they should not use it we all were them at one time.

Mar 03, 2009
on my grand life i was called a noob :(, i was pvping with a friend and was called a treasure noob for using one treasure tower shield. ..? ..? then i called her a bolt noob because she only bolted tempest and tritoned, almost all her bolts hit btw, i agree that the word noob should be banned

Sep 08, 2008
I agree. The word should be blocked. Even in open chat.

The moderated chat system really prevents the game from blowing up on people, even a single word freely used and spam can cause negative impacts. As was proven with this thread to begin with.

You know the message "Experience may change during online play"?

Well, that right there is mainly due to the chat system. Wizard101 does such a good job with it and works so dilligently to keep it clean, my "Online experience" barely ever changes except for current mood on grinding levels.

While the word does not necessarily have to be a bad word, simply block it and solve the majority of the peoples' problem.

If I was an administrator with the rights to block/unblock chat, I'd certainly do it.

Jun 04, 2009
Very true.

The word, 'noob' should be blocked, for some people call themselfs that, without knowing the meaning of the word.

People call their friends noobs as a joke, but online, they may think you mean different.

They might think to themselves, "Wow. That was mean. I guess I should report he/she."

If they report you for being funny, then you should always explain, even if it is too late. But, still. They might think you are NOT kidding, that you are telling the truth. They may remove you, ignore you, or report you. So, do NOT call people noobs, because it is like a curse. If they call themself a noob, say "No way. You are NOT a noob!" and tell them right away.

Hannah Dragonsword, level 39, Fire

May 31, 2009
uka1234 wrote:
on my grand life i was called a noob :(, i was pvping with a friend and was called a treasure noob for using one treasure tower shield. ..? ..? then i called her a bolt noob because she only bolted tempest and tritoned, almost all her bolts hit btw, i agree that the word noob should be banned

heaven forbid you read the message boards that cover PvP, no one likes to lose in PvP fights so you win they call you noob they "lost" if it wasn`t noob it would be something else. and don`t get trick by these guys either 9out10 times their card is an amped up treasure card. puritians my foot they just want you to hesitiate so they can win, you kick their butt!!

if your in a PvP don`t take it seriously if your just running around maybe stop and think about what you did and become a better player. like i said earlier if it isn`t noob it will be something else

May 15, 2009
i think people should just ignore people who call them noobs
noob is a term that means newbie or novice yea its understandable if you are just starting out and noob is the term for basically anyone under 20
but lots of players call people who use treasures noobs too because they have to rely on someone else to supply them high powered cards to win
so just ignore them
being this so called "noob" is nothing to be ashamed about just get better

Oct 31, 2009
when I was a low level during battles, I would still cast spells like imp or fire cat at level 20 during duels.

I was called 'noob' more than you would imagine.

It made me so mad I nearly quit.

PLZ administrators take the word 'noob' off the text chat list.

~Jacob Ghostwhisper level 32 Magus Thaumaturge~
See ya in the spiral!

Dec 23, 2009
The only thing I really hate about the word noob is the way some people use it. For example, on my fire guy I have a very powerful, very unique, very effective strat. I use it and usually turn out good. However, when people fight me and don't see a random recycle of fireblade/tower shield/helephant they call me noob. What's funnier is that they continue to call me noob when they're about to die and I've clearly won - and won by a considerable amount. The word has become a tool for the shameless, and to those, I like to remind them that if I'm a noob and I just decimated you in a 1v1 fight, what does that make you?

That stings more.

Feb 08, 2009
What people like being called noobs? What if they like being low level? Sometimes noob isn't such a bad thing to say. Sure people make fun of lower level people but everyone once was a noob. So the jerks out there are making fun of people for no reason. Everyone has been a noob so embrace being a noob. Maybe being a noob was the best part of your wizard life. :D

Apr 15, 2009
Rihanna12 wrote:
I'm sure you walk around hearing people saying the word, noob, I hate that word. Did you know: That some people think noobs are dumb people. It's a common misunderstanding. I don't think people should make fun of people at most level 12, because they were one at one point, even I was one (so cute when I was just a little apprentice theurgist), so I think the text chat should block the word, noob, because it's not correctly used, and I don't like it all!

Caroline Sunbright
Grandmaster theugist level 50

i hate that word to when i win a pvp and say gg they just say noob and run off

Apr 20, 2009
I totally agree, Noob does not mean under leveled or levels like 1-40, it does not mean THAT. Its very rude i agree. and i wish people would stuop saying its really stupid, and irratating. i wish people who go around saying that would have more common sense to not say it if you dont know what i means. i totally agree with your post. :-o

Dec 23, 2009
This thread has turned so Orwellian it's not even funny anymore. Beware the Thought Police, for Big Brother is watching you.

Then again, the title of the book is probably a year where 90% of the posters in this thread weren't even alive. Sad.