Could someone please explain to me how to use the Mutate cards. I have tried just about every combination and nothing works. Am I suppose to use it on someone elses card or my own? Cause when I try to put it with my own fire cat or ice beatle nothing happens. I can see where they would be really useful but unless I figure out how to use them I am just going to sell them. :x :?
The "Mutate" cards are enchantment cards. To use them successfully you must have the enchant card in hand, as well as the type of card it refers to in hand as well (e.g. Fire Cat, Frost Beetle, Fire Elf, etc.). Since the Mutate cards are treasure cards they will have to be in your sideboard. To enchant correctly, you get into a fight (so make sure its one you can win easily, and will not hurt you badly while you enchant the cards), when your starting hand is drawn, look for the card you want to enchant. If it is in hand, then discard other cards not critical to the battle to draw treasure cards. Once you have the correct Mutate card in hand and the card it Mutates, click on the Mutate card. You should see your hand go into selection mode, and any invalid targets for the card should be greyed out, leaving you only cards you can cast that spell card upon. Click on the card you wish to enchant, and you should have a new treasure card in hand of the Mutated card. Cast a combat card to defeat your opponent, and you are done.
Perhaps you should have paid more attention to Diego.
The mutate cards are treasure cards. Put them in your sideboard. In order to get a treasure card in your hand, you must discard one or more of your 7 cards (by right-clicking on a card), then click on the draw button.
Like your regular cards, the card you draw from your sideboard is random. So if you really want to get that mutate card, make sure it's the only one on your sideboard.
Once you've drawn your mutate card, click on it then click on the card you want to mutate. It will then turn into a Treasure Card.
So, let's say you have a Mutate Firecat into Ice Cat and you placed only that card into your sideboard. In a duel, a Firecat card is in your hand. Right-click on another card in your hand to discard it, then click on the Draw button and your Mutate card shows up. Click on it, then click on the Firecat card. It now becomes a Icecat Treasure Card.
If you don't use your Mutated card during that duel, it will automatically be placed into your sideboard for later use.
Thanks to both of you. Your answers were a little condecending, but maybe I didn't ask my question correctly. I have used enchantment cards before that is why I asked because these won't let me use them. I have had them in my hand and clicked on the mutate card then the corresponding playing card but to no avail, I just can't get it to work. Does the enchantment work on treasure cards or do they have to be normal cards in your regular deck?
Thanks, you are the first person who evidently understood the question. I figured that was what I was doing wrong. However, I havent been able to get it to work on the regular card yet either. I will keep trying till I figure it out and let you all know what dumb little mistake I was making on it. (LOL)
Thanks to both of you. Your answers were a little condecending, but maybe I didn't ask my question correctly. I have used enchantment cards before that is why I asked because these won't let me use them. I have had them in my hand and clicked on the mutate card then the corresponding playing card but to no avail, I just can't get it to work. Does the enchantment work on treasure cards or do they have to be normal cards in your regular deck?
I apologize if my answer seemed condecending, just trying to make sure the answer was complete. 8) I did not realize you were trying to enchant a treasure card, which is not possible as has been stated. The Mutate enchantment should work against the regular named card from your deck. If you are attempting to Mutate the correct card, then you might wish to contact Mr. Lincoln, as you may be experiencing a bug.