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Abracadoodle understanding

Jul 25, 2009
Ok, the reason I am posting this is because some of the Abracadoodle strips are a little to hard to understand. For example, on comic strip #39, we don't know what happened to the storm wizard. Also on comic strip #38, WHAT IS WITH THE GLOWING EYES(I know that his eyes were glowing in #39 ) ???? Plz answer this on this topic, and also, comment if you would like to know about other Abracadoodle comic strips :-D !

Dec 17, 2008
It seems as though the little Diviner's wand took control over him and killed all of the Skeleton Minions of the Necromancer.

Storm is strong and unpredictable.

Aug 15, 2009
I think the magic took over him and controlled him. Magic is unpredictable. Let it flow and control your spell choice.You will usually do better.If it tells you to heal heal.If it tells you to attack or pass or shield or what ever do it.
Sorry for the off subject part

Tatiana Dreampetal lvl 34 Pyromancer
Current World: Mooshu

Yes I believe in magic