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School Housing Sales

May 29, 2009
I have two accounts and six wizards on each one. So far I have been able to purchase the storm, death, and myth houses for my wizards on one account.

Since I never knew which house was going to be on sale next, I would try to alternate playing with each so they could accumulate enough gold to buy their respective houses. Six of my wizards are level 40 and up. Some of them were broke because they bought mounts when they came out before I knew about the release of the themed houses.

I have not seen the ice, balance, or fire houses on sale and my poor life wizard did not have enough gold to purchase her house before it disappeared. It has been over a week and I have not seen ANY houses for sale in the crown shop. Will they be coming out again?

Please don't say that it is a level issue because my other account has level 25 wizards to level 33 and they have not seen any on sale either.

I would just like to have the opportunity to buy my houses on sale for gold before my wizards reach grand and have nothing to do except farm for furniture.

Thank you sincerely. I hope to see some houses in the near future. It would also be nice if we could possible be warned which ones will be on sale next so that I can work on that wizard's pocketbook.

Aug 12, 2009
I know I'm not KI, so I can't answer your post as to when they might be on sale, but did want to mention that ALL houses EXCEPT Fire have been on sale at one time or another.

Also, I have noticed that even my very lowest level wizards can see when houses are on sale, but if they were below level 15 I know they wouldn't be able to buy them.

I have bought all except the Fire house. I am hoping it will go on sale, I doubt I would buy it otherwise and will get it more as a novelty for my Fire Grand. I really like the big DS house a lot more for my Fire wizard, so having the Fire School House will give her a second home to decorate. That house just wasn't a favorite of mine so I haven't been too worried on it so far. Not too much room at it outside, though the rooms inside are quite large. I like to decorate outside as well and probably more than inside so there won't be much opportunity with that one. Plus the "yard" is rather ugly in my opinion. About all I can see being added to the exterior there are burnt trees and fire flowers and bushes...maybe a statue somewhere, not enough room for anything really big there.

I also have two accounts full of wizards, so I know you really shouldn't have trouble raising the coin for your wizards. My Life wizards, on each account, are my real "money-makers." I am always taking them to help friends and what they get on drops is often passed over to the other wizards on the same account so that those can go sell the items and get coin. It works pretty good that way :)
I have been able to buy all except one school house with coin, as well as some mounts because I was getting too near the coin max, 150,000.

May 29, 2009
but did want to mention that ALL houses EXCEPT Fire have been on sale at one time or another

I have to disagree with you on that. The houses were released in mid-December. The first house that went on sale was the storm for about 4 days, then the death house for around 3 weeks. After that the myth house was on sale for about a week and then the life house. I have all those houses. I have not seen the balance, fire, or ice houses on sale yet. By on sale, I mean for 75,000 gold.

My balance is a grandmaster and has had the money to purchase her house because she is a grand, but it has not been on sale. I have been using her to help others with the quests that she has already done and she does share her items in the bank so the other wizards can sell for gold. I am not using her to do anymore quests until they raise the level cap so she only gets gold from battles and chests.

I missed the life house because I have two life wizards (one on each account) and they were both simultaneously trying to get the gold for their house. My oldest missed it by 7,000 gold and my newest by 20,000. I will just wait and see if it comes back on sale.

I was just trying to say that their should be some consistency with when the houses go on sale and the length of time they are on sale. 4 days for one and three weeks for another is not consistent.