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Orthrus - the worst?

Dec 24, 2008
So, Ive been away for a while... came back and got Orthrus tonight... meh... very underwhelming especially whne compared to all the other 7-pip spells that hit all enemies or all allies.

Hitting twice to clear a shield is simply not enough...

Jan 30, 2010
Mar 08, 2009
Well, my character is a Storm Wizard, but I can give you a quick answer.

Orthrus is a level 48 Myth School Spell that costs seven pips to cast and does a lot of Myth damage to (I think) only one enemy.

Apr 04, 2009
Myth gets and attack all spell at level 42 (Earthquake) - and at a cost of 6 pips rather than 7. They weren't going to get another one at 48.

Jan 03, 2009
oldbone wrote:
So, Ive been away for a while... came back and got Orthrus tonight... meh... very underwhelming especially whne compared to all the other 7-pip spells that hit all enemies or all allies.

Hitting twice to clear a shield is simply not enough...

I disagree, orthrus can be buffed up to make it really strong, it's not very weak. Also it ability to hit twice is to get rid of shields and it is very useful. Though the quest for it is pretty hard it is very good if used correctly. I don't think is is the worst it is just hard to use well.

Apr 09, 2009
It depends on what you define as a worthwhile spell. If you are talking about 3v3 and 4v4, Orthrus doesn't appear to be as good, but in 1v1 is where it shines as an amplified Minotaur turned up to 11. The shield break makes it nigh indefensible as evidenced by the many warlord Myth Grand Masters.

You can shield a Dragon, Frost Giant, Scarecrow, or Storm Lord, but without a pair of identical Myth shields in place, a bladed, bubbled Dog of Doom delivers it's bite unhindered. My choice for The Best 1v1 Spell in the game!

Dog Underground!
Dog Underground!
Lookin' like a fool with your dog underground!

With the gold in your pouch
Wizard Hat turned sideways
A dog pants from underground
Call yourself a Myth cat
Lookin' like a fool
Walkin' in the Arena with your Dog Underground!

Mar 08, 2009
Well, as I stated above my character is a Grand master Storm Wizard.. and not Myth..

But I have noticed that Wizard101 Central and at least one other Wizard101 fan site, does list a level 48 Myth School Spell called "Orthrus".

According to both sites, the "Orthrus" spell costs seven pips and does Myth damage of around 650 points or so, to (I think) only one enemy.

These sites list the spell as being given by Cyrus Drake (the myth teacher) at level 48, I would assume after a quest.

Perhaps this information is incorrect, (my character is Storm so I am not certain about Myth spells), but that is what I read on at least two fan sites.

Perhaps some Myth Grand masters can provide further details? :)

I know I have seen the Orthrus Spell card in action, so I know it exists. But I am not sure about the details apart from what I have read.

Jul 08, 2009
oldbone wrote:
So, Ive been away for a while... came back and got Orthrus tonight... meh... very underwhelming especially whne compared to all the other 7-pip spells that hit all enemies or all allies.

Hitting twice to clear a shield is simply not enough...
Orthrus isnt the weakest! this is i list i made from all the lvl 48 spells(without any kind of buffs):

storm(believe it or not orthrus does 100 damage more)
Ice and Balance do the same damage

And to Ark: Orthrus is a spell that myth wizards recieve at level 48 after doing a tower in the labyrinth and it does 700 damage with 50 damage for the first attack and 650 for the second.

Jul 08, 2009
FlipFredFredBurger wrote:
oldbone wrote:
So, Ive been away for a while... came back and got Orthrus tonight... meh... very underwhelming especially whne compared to all the other 7-pip spells that hit all enemies or all allies.

Hitting twice to clear a shield is simply not enough...
Orthrus isnt the weakest! this is i list i made from all the lvl 48 spells(without any kind of buffs):

storm(believe it or not orthrus does 100 damage more)
Ice and Balance do the same damage

And to Ark: Orthrus is a spell that myth wizards recieve at level 48 after doing a tower in the labyrinth and it does 700 damage with 50 damage for the first attack and 650 for the second.

Sorry i was ranking them from damage if anyone was wondering

Mar 08, 2009
Thanks! I had kind of figured that was the way it was, but being of the Storm School myself, I was not completely sure of the details.

I was just going by the information which I had read elsewhere when attempting to respond.

Thanks for clearing things up!

Oct 11, 2009
Gwendolyn777 wrote:
It depends on what you define as a worthwhile spell. If you are talking about 3v3 and 4v4, Orthrus doesn't appear to be as good, but in 1v1 is where it shines as an amplified Minotaur turned up to 11. The shield break makes it nigh indefensible as evidenced by the many warlord Myth Grand Masters.

You can shield a Dragon, Frost Giant, Scarecrow, or Storm Lord, but without a pair of identical Myth shields in place, a bladed, bubbled Dog of Doom delivers it's bite unhindered. My choice for The Best 1v1 Spell in the game!

Dog Underground!
Dog Underground!
Lookin' like a fool with your dog underground!

With the gold in your pouch
Wizard Hat turned sideways
A dog pants from underground
Call yourself a Myth cat
Lookin' like a fool
Walkin' in the Arena with your Dog Underground!

Like she said, Orthrus is just plain awesome in PvP. I don't lose to any other school more often than Myth.