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Mar 29, 2009
I was making a wizard101 video and these people ported they would not leave. I asked very nicely to leave but they wouldnt. Please consiter making a "Kick Out" button if their at your house. And also consiter making a "Battle accept" button like they cant join unless you accept or if you keep battle joins off then they cant join. Please reply on what you think KingsIlse

Aug 12, 2009
I've been saying that about battles for sometime, as well as posted on it before.

However, at your own house you have the option to turn off friend teleports to keep people from popping in on you.
You can do the same for battles too, but that only prevents people porting to you. Unfortunately there are always the few inconsiderate, rude people that run by and "just have to" join you...ugh! What really gets me is it often happens when there is no one else within site, so to speak. Like; why can't they start their own battles??? It's just rude, especially when the majority don't even ask if you mind if they join you.