My guess is that you might need a membership just like ranked matching. But at the same time there might be a practice derby thing. :-) I am also guessing some of the things will be bought with crowns because they are premium items. Hope this helps! :-)
They will probably open the test realm a few weeks before each of the new additions come officially on line. This practice has been around since I have been here, and Sub members at least will get an early try-out (if you want to spoil it for yourself).
If the pets cost crowns, you will be givien faux-crowns on the test realm (only) wich you can play with. This will also be a warning to all if crowns are to be needed to find extra chores, etc, to do that will earn a few extra real life monies for crowns. Spring is a great time for car washes, bake sales, etc :-)
(Note: bake sale-usually 'mom' buy the needed supplies, does most of the work while you 'help out', then you sell for about a sweet deal. And grandparents, uncles and auts are softies :-) )
My guess is that you might need a membership just like ranked matching. But at the same time there might be a practice derby thing. :-) I am also guessing some of the things will be bought with crowns because they are premium items. Hope this helps! :-)
Oh great, more crowns to ruin the fun for other players who subscribed and not bought crowns