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Secret rooms in your wiz house

Oct 14, 2008
What if you could have a room in your house that you could only get into or you can block the door and make it look like a wall. Thats what i really want! Who's with me?

Feb 05, 2010
Me! We could build a sancturary behind waterfalls like in wizard city! We could make an archway that looks like it just is there for decor but when the owner steps in it transport them into a different world! Great idea Luna!
Lucas Drakebloom level 28 Ice school
Hero of krokotopia

May 30, 2009
yea that would be awesome i am with you so everyone follow us so at least wizard101 producers will think about it :-D

May 15, 2009
this would be so cool
in my game elder scrolls oblivion there is a house you buy that has a secret chamber where you can store stuff like a vault
i think a secret roomw ould be awesome but should be exclusive to school houses only

this makes them much more worth while

May 10, 2009
luna0616 wrote:
What if you could have a room in your house that you could only get into or you can block the door and make it look like a wall. Thats what i really want! Who's with me?

I'm with ya lol thats an awesome idea i hope they do that
we could have multiple rooms or something hidden

Emma SummerCaster :-D

Dec 26, 2008
Wow! Great Idea! I would love to see this especially because you could have the pleasure of people walking right past your secret room, and them not knowing! Again, Great Idea!

Jun 23, 2009
I actually agree with that secret room in our houses, we get a chance to view the house before we buy them, so why not have the room in the preview? or we can buy a wall or something to hide that room, so each house would truly have some difference from all the other houses. I mean furniture and stuff is nice, but the house is still like every other house, no way to really change it. or maybe a room that's random for each house, sometimes outside, sometimes in, could be done to the character for where each hidden room is or to the class of the character.

Mar 17, 2009
oh yea that would be awesome or you could get like in the back of merles castle like a spiral chamber that allows you too see other worlds or follow other characters or even create your own mini world

Jun 14, 2009
Nov 06, 2009
cristosis wrote:
oh yea that would be awesome or you could get like in the back of merles castle like a spiral chamber that allows you too see other worlds or follow other characters or even create your own mini world

That would be awesome

Mar 28, 2009
that is a awesome idea

but to open the door you would have to press x and only the oner could open :)

Dec 13, 2008
ME! i would make a security system so if someone comes in they lose all their health and mana

Sep 19, 2008
yes that is a great idea and would be so cool and it would be funny if lik someone found out about it and if they try and g in they cant it would be funny but kinda cruel. Also want to say people never curse cause i just got banned or went mute for a day and it not fun when you have had it and it just is so hard. well anyway with the idea it would be great.