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World Length's

Oct 24, 2009
What world do you think takes the longest to complete?

In my opinion i think its Marleybone. I am not saying its a bad world ( i enjoyed it) 8)

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
I think Dragonspire is longest for me. Several reasons would account for this...if you look at a typical battle in WC, it takes 2 pips to take out most non-bosses (example Death vs 235 health foe: one wand attack, then a ghoul). You get to Krok & Marley, you face two foes, but with a good spell and boosts, four rounds/foe, 8 rounds total. When you get to DS, it takes usually 6-8 pips to take out a common street foe (usually 1000+ health), but with increased power pips, takes about the same number of rounds as in the Krok-to-MS combats....but, while in Krok you may have to fight on average 4-6 foes per simple quest, in DS it is usually 10. Or a 50% increase per quest.

DS has longer and more difficult dungeons based on the level you are facing them.

My averages currently:
WC to MS: 2 1/2 weeks
GH: 1/2 week
DS (to GM): 1 week
. note, the above includes all side quests and crafting.
. note 2: DS is a bit longer due to crafting quests.

May 24, 2009
May 27, 2009
Oh my gosh, yes, it's DRAGONSPYRE! The towers are way hard, the tasks need way more enemies fought, and the place is pretty huge.

Mar 04, 2010
I thought Marleybone was the quickest for me. I didn't do that one dungeon though, I kept getting hit with three spaztic wooden dolls running around attacking me. But I finished MarleyBone in 2 or 3 days. I'm only mid-way through mooshu right now, and it seems it'll be a bit longer than marleybone, but the longest for me so far was the second world.