Hi guys, Autumn Ashsword here. I just had a few questions I wanted to ask everybody on Wizard101. Okay, first off, I JUST got to Level 25 and I got a message from Merle Ambrose saying, "Please come to my office immediately," so I went and there's nothing. He won't say anything to me. What should I do?
Also, I'm a Storm student and I realized that my deck is mostly filled with Storm and Balance cards. Is Balance a good choice for a secondary school? I know Storm/Death is a popular combination, so I was just wondering.
Also, as I said, I'm at level 25 and I'm in the middle of doing the Djeserit/Ahnic Family Tombs in Krokotopia. Is this a normal level to be at in this part of the game? I was just wondering, because I think I'm pretty close to battling Krokopatra. I also wondered what level most people are at when they get to Marleybone. (SOO excited for when I get to MB!) So if anyone could help me out, that would be so great of you! Thank you, and Wizard101 is awesome!
Young Wizard, Please read the message at the top of this page about Known Bugs. Merle Summoning Players without Reason: Sometimes Merle likes to check in with his students, however we've noticed lately that he's been calling on our young Wizards every time they gain a new level. Don't worry, he may not always have a quest for you, however it's a good reminder to visit him, as well as your Professors, on a regular basis. (Note: you may also see similar messages from Simon in Ravenwood, who is ready to introduce you to housing.)
As to your other questions, I'm sure many Wizards will gladly give you scholastic advice.
Balance is a perfect combo although I am storm and I chose fire, balance is still a good choice. Balance is all about strategy so a strategy school mixed with a power and fighting school means you are unstoppable...
it is good to be that level in the game heck i saw a levle twenty seven doing quests somewhere around that place so your good with level twenty five another answer balance is alright with a strong school like storm i mean storm is awesome and you can probably raise accuracy with balance on a storm spell so i hope i helped :)
Hi there, the Ambose thing is a glitch that pops up, but you should still check in like when you go to get rid of all the junk in your backpack.
most storm people choose life and/or death. death because they want the fient card, life because storm has such low life they want the heals.
here are the levels for each world, not that you cant get there sooner and if you level is higher it is because you are doing all the quest not just the storyline; kroktopia 15 marleybone 25 mooshu 35 dragonspyre 45
at level 25 doing all the quest you are doing great you, are right where you should be, and you will love marleybone (i will warn you it is easier to get caught).
Thare are many combinations that work well together and balance is good choice. I have a grand storm wiz that has death as a second school followed by life. Reason behind death as second is to get to the feint spell. Feint added to a storm spell is VERY effective and many people take death as a second for this reason. Going past feint in the death school is somewhat useless as the pip cost is to high. I went to sprite in the life school just to get the extra healing.
To answer your question about being level 25 in Krok, you are right on track :) Be prepared for Marley Bone, the rooftops are a challenge as you will find out. Have fun and good luck.