I sort of understand the need for limiting the foul language on the game, however I disagree with the need for banning because of foul language. The punishment should fit the crime. I think people should be put on the filtered chat permanently or muted permanently, not banned. For the record I'm not writing this for myself but for a friend of mine that was banned due to this. She was banned for saying a cuss word while joking around with someone. She wasn't being mean at the time or anything, just making a joke. If parents don't want their kids seeing that type of language they have the option of using the filtered chat or only the easy chat. I agree that in PVP there are some problems with some of the people that lose. There is also a problem with some of the people that win. I've popped off at some people when I have lost due to getting frustrated and most of the time it's after they have said something rude. I'm no angel. However with all the options that parents have to limit what their kids can see and say the responsibility lies with them, not with the company.
Not to seem rude but if someone's language skills are so limited that they are forced to swear when being mean/joking around/giving lasagna recipes/ etc maybe they should play somewhere else. I doubt your friend or anyone else that has been banned would be any happier if they were perma-muted or retricted, and I doubt restricted would stop them anyway, even open chat filters outright swearing. If the person is willing to go as far as creatively swearing around filters they'd do it no matter the filter level, I say good riddance to bad language/rubbish or all of the above, whatever applies.
Kinda hard to swear when the only stuff you can say is predetermined with the easy chat. The thing is the punishment should fit the crime. They mute people on here so why not do a permanent mute instead of a ban. She had just payed for another month of playing and crowns and got kicked off after using only 2 days and no crowns. She won't be getting any of that money back. Pretty lame if you ask me.
Whether she read the Terms of Use or not, downloading the playing Wizard101 means that she has agreed to abide by it. Cursing is against the rules ... period.
Banning an account for cursing is usually not done for a first offense, which means that your friend has been warned before and continued to behave in this manner. Repeat offenders get harsher punishment each time around. They either learn to stop or they're gone.
Wizard101 is a kid-friendly game, and cursing is not permissable. Nothing is preventing you from verbally cussing up a storm while sitting at your computer. But the very fact that someone feels compelled to type out their cursing ... and has to use some ingenuity to come up with some work-around to keep the filters from filtering out what they type ... knowing that it is wrong ... should not later come here and complain about the consequences.
Your attitude that other people should restrict their chat privileges if they don't want to see this abuse is completing wrong.
And the punishment does fit the crime -- break your agreement to our Terms of Use and you are gone.
So you're going to tell me it's wrong to air my opinion? I know about the terms and agreements. I'm not saying its alright for people to use foul language but when people pay for something and then get cut off 2 days after getting a new subscription for something that was said and they weren't being mean or derogatory is pretty ridiculous. It would be more profitable for KI to let them continue playing rather than ban them and never have them come back. As far as cussing though its the intent behind it. You can say the same thing without uttering a cuss word and it can be just as hurtful. The words really don't matter, its the meaning behind it. So someone can say some pretty bad things without cussing and cause a lot more damage to any kids on here and not get banned for it. From what I've seen on here in PVP and several other places there were things said that from what I've seen, wouldn't get them banned but shows just how mean and nasty some people are. So while I'm not for foul language, banning seems pretty excessive to me for an infraction like that where she wasn't being derogatory toward anyone.
i am no curser but i agree they should not be banned that is above the line for cursing people do it around me i just politelly ask them to stop if they dont i simply leave thats what i sujest to most people that dont like it when people curse but getting banned is just to much
So you're going to tell me it's wrong to air my opinion? I know about the terms and agreements. I'm not saying its alright for people to use foul language but when people pay for something and then get cut off 2 days after getting a new subscription for something that was said and they weren't being mean or derogatory is pretty ridiculous. It would be more profitable for KI to let them continue playing rather than ban them and never have them come back. As far as cussing though its the intent behind it. You can say the same thing without uttering a cuss word and it can be just as hurtful. The words really don't matter, its the meaning behind it. So someone can say some pretty bad things without cussing and cause a lot more damage to any kids on here and not get banned for it. From what I've seen on here in PVP and several other places there were things said that from what I've seen, wouldn't get them banned but shows just how mean and nasty some people are. So while I'm not for foul language, banning seems pretty excessive to me for an infraction like that where she wasn't being derogatory toward anyone.
Nobody has said you don't have a right to your opinion...
BUT the fact that she got herself banned within a few days of making subscription and crown purchases IS her fault and nobody elses.
As already mentioned by another poster, they don't normally ban people for first time offenses unless what they were saying/doing was extreme. Which means one of two things. Your friend had been warned previously and choose to ignore those warns, thus getting the appropriate punishment of being banned...Or the 'regularity' of profanity she was using that day was extreme.
She took a gamble that KI wouldn't back up banning her for abusing the rules and no profanity rule. She lost her gamble.
Nobody made her use profanity, as she knew when she joined the game that profanity wasn't allowable, and should have complied with the rules from the get-go. For any reason. And she deffinately should have cleaned up her act if they'd issued her warns in the past.
Doesn't matter what others may or may not do...She had control over her behavior and choose to break one of the few rules the game has by using profanity. Doesn't matter what context she was using profanity in, profanity is profanity and ISN'T permittable in the game.
KI doesn't owe her anything, as she's the one who willingly choose to break the rules and forfeit her ability to play and use her subscription and crowns. Not KI, not some other player...BUT SHE did that to herself.
If she didn't want to lose her subscription or crowns, then she should have obeyed the game rules period about NO PROFANITY.
GER14 wrote:
i am no curser but i agree they should not be banned that is above the line for cursing people do it around me i just politelly ask them to stop if they dont i simply leave thats what i sujest to most people that dont like it when people curse but getting banned is just to much
Sorry to disagree with you as well, but it isn't excessive. And if the person doesn't stop when you ask them too? If you don't follow it up with a report on them, it's you who's enabling such players to abuse the rules in the first place...
Which makes it an unpleasant atmosphere for those of us that not only don't break the rules but expect others to abide by them, because those that look to go around the rules or ignore them feel they have unspoken permission to do so by those like yourself who feel it's 'rude to punish rule breakers harshley' and follow the misguided code of 'if I ignore it, it'll go away' mentality.
This game doesn't have a bunch of rules for participation. But the few that it does have needs to be followed by ALL members, and reported when they're not by ALL members who see them breaking one of those few rules.
He said my attitude toward people turning off their chat was wrong. I took that as him telling me my opinion was wrong.
I'm not saying I agree with people using foul language but really, when people call you a "bench" they are either calling you something to sit on or calling you another name for a female dog. To me its more the intent behind what is said more than the words used. The thing is people are not going to be banned for calling you a "bench" when you know good and well what they mean. Another variation is "flock off". If you tell me you don't know what they're saying there you are either naive or a fool. My question is if I report someone using those words in those ways will they be warned or will I get in trouble for false reporting?
He said my attitude toward people turning off their chat was wrong. I took that as him telling me my opinion was wrong.
I'm not saying I agree with people using foul language but really, when people call you a "bench" they are either calling you something to sit on or calling you another name for a female dog. To me its more the intent behind what is said more than the words used. The thing is people are not going to be banned for calling you a "bench" when you know good and well what they mean. Another variation is "flock off". If you tell me you don't know what they're saying there you are either naive or a fool. My question is if I report someone using those words in those ways will they be warned or will I get in trouble for false reporting?
It's his opinion, and just as you're entitled to yours, so is he.
And thing is, your attitude about turning off chat doesn't fix the issues of people going around the profanity filters...In fact, it only encourages those types to continue to go around the filters rather then stopped the cursing.
And come on...Are you really that naive to believe that when someone is posting around the filters with 'bench' that they're referring to a table bench or female dog? Or that the context changes it from being 'profanity' to 'good natured fun' simply by the context it's used in?
No, you're perfectly aware that they're intending that word for what it is...Calling another person a name with a curse word. Whether it's 'friendly' or not, is a moot point. The fact is, curse words (even those that go around it) aren't permittable in the game, period. As such, is a warnable offense that could result in the person being banned for using 'filtered' curse words, period.
come on...not TYPING foul language is a pretty easy rule to follow.
Everyone that plays this game KNOWS that foul language isn't allowable. So anyone who uses methods to go around the profanity filter KNOWS that they risk their accounts doing so.
And as ccm pointed out here? It's a lot easier to simply NOT do it and simply follow the rules, then to take the extra effort to type in go-arounds knowing you're breaking them and could lose your accounts.
i VERY much doubt she was banned JUST for this 2 days of cursing if it was her first time she would have been warned and muted for a day or so if it was after several reportings of cursing and she was found guilty well that was her gamble as said before she gambled by cursing and lost and was banned as compensation KI is in no way being unfair and gives every player a fair chance if she said this was the first time she got reported she is most liklely lieing as KI would NEVER ban on the first time for something as minor as this now if she had hacked someone or threatened to find someone in real life and kill them that MIGHT get her banned but i dont know what KI's standards on this is
come on...not TYPING foul language is a pretty easy rule to follow.
Preacher7719 wrote:
Wizard101 is a kid-friendly game, and cursing is not permissable. Nothing is preventing you from verbally cussing up a storm while sitting at your computer. But the very fact that someone feels compelled to type out their cursing ... and has to use some ingenuity to come up with some work-around to keep the filters from filtering out what they type ... knowing that it is wrong ... should not later come here and complain about the consequences.
I do agree with the fact that its against the terms of use to be cursing and it results in ban. I do not curse myself. I do think we need to improve the reporting system because my friend in real life got falsely reported for cursing on the game and banned but the person who reported her had no punishment whatsoever I do not think KI is actually looking into the reports just punishing by what it says whether it's true or not.
ban anyone who use's foul language BAN BAN BAN !!!!!!
After my wife won a arena match she was called every name in the book that no one should be called yet alone a women the other team just layed it on her, and followed her into her other match's and keep it up yes we reported the group they just laughed.
one person keep it up for days it took a week plus of her an I and 7-8 other freinds reporting him,we got him more for the harrassment then for the language.
thanks to the friends an one of KI's producers for reading the reports and fixing the problem,other wise her an I would be playing another game online.
needless to say at first he was muted then he was banned,we know because his freinds were talking about it and he has not been seen in the last two month's.
I guess my point is if enough ppl ban togeather and report this (foul language)or harrassment of players who just like to play and have fun then we as a group can stop most of the bad players from messing it up for everyone.
i am no curser but i agree they should not be banned that is above the line for cursing people do it around me i just politelly ask them to stop if they dont i simply leave thats what i sujest to most people that dont like it when people curse but getting banned is just to much
i have a question and if any administrator can answer this or any player please let me know when people are falsely accused yet still banned is it possible for that player to be unbanned or unsuspended early or at all for that matter you see my friend arron summerleaf was banned and i believe he was wrongfully banned and he was making a joke which sadly came across as offensive to specific persons and he was banned another one of my friends andi know less details was also banned and he was a very good person who rarly said anything offensive in anyway if you can please resolve this matter :(
When a player is sanctioned (muted or banned) they are sent an email with details about their sanction.
That email has information about how to appeal the ban.
If players don't give us a valid email address when they register, we cannot contact them about these infractions, and therefore they cannot appeal the ban.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
It makes it hard to report people for some people because they dont want their accounts banned,although another person is being a bully. It happens to everyone sometime in their life. Also I think there should be some things you can't say more on text chat, expecially noob. It gets really annoying when they say that when you lose a PvP battle. But even if they did ban all the bad words on text chat, they could still do this: NObOdy Boy or even Nice Oh Oh Boy. This really troubles a lot of people, especially people who are trying to be nice. And wwhen you say your gonna report them, they bully says, '' Try me. Get ya account banned, I don't care. See, I don't care if your a Grandmaster. You think youor sooooooo strong. Your not even storm. HA! Go chase a donut, punk. '' This makes me want to fight back, which gives a chance for me to get banned. I hate bullying. I think they should leave out the part that your account might get banned, but it will, secretly if it is a false report. That makes people get scared that they will lose their own accounts. Also they should put options instead of typing.
I really hate this. I hope King Isle changes this soon. Real soon.
I am :P your friend got banned, she deserves it. Did not follow the rules and guidelines so she's out. I am very sad that many of the children and for that matter adults have to put up with seeing all these cuss words on their screen. This is trully the uglyist thing a person could have is a dirty mouth. Really pollutes the air. We want to keep the Air here in KingsIsle Clean. :D
I would like an answer to this question myself, since this is very frequently done in the game. This poster makes a valid point.
I'm not saying I agree with people using foul language but really, when people call you a "bench" they are either calling you something to sit on or calling you another name for a female dog. To me its more the intent behind what is said more than the words used. The thing is people are not going to be banned for calling you a "bench" when you know good and well what they mean. Another variation is "flock off". If you tell me you don't know what they're saying there you are either naive or a fool. My question is if I report someone using those words in those ways will they be warned or will I get in trouble for false reporting?
I know there is no way that you can predict the number of ways someone can get around the filters, but when it is so blantant as what they are implying, shouldn't that be grounds for reporting without being considered false reporting?
Even though my children are grown , and play this game , I don't want to have to hear the foul language , nor do my kids. This is one of the reasons I continue to play this game , because I don't have to listen to so much of the filth. Don't presume just because someone is an adult , they find foul language acceptable.
I pay for this game too , and prefer not to use filters because of the numbers thing alone. and why as a paying customer should I have to be subjected to a limited chat functions , just because a few people out there can not control the fingers . Its one thing to slip of the mouth , but you can not slip with the fingers. It is well thought out and intentional. and I presume if they were reported , they chose not to say this in a private chat , but public for everyone to see and be offended. I have seen so many, especially in the free areas continue with the foul language , I dont even like flying by the commons to get to the pet pavillion it can be so bad. I have reported on more than one occassion , but they still continue even after being reported and laugh about it. I am so glad KI took a stand and banned them. Maybe the others will get the hint.
I would like an answer to this question myself, since this is very frequently done in the game. This poster makes a valid point.
I'm not saying I agree with people using foul language but really, when people call you a "bench" they are either calling you something to sit on or calling you another name for a female dog. To me its more the intent behind what is said more than the words used. The thing is people are not going to be banned for calling you a "bench" when you know good and well what they mean. Another variation is "flock off". If you tell me you don't know what they're saying there you are either naive or a fool. My question is if I report someone using those words in those ways will they be warned or will I get in trouble for false reporting?
I know there is no way that you can predict the number of ways someone can get around the filters, but when it is so blantant as what they are implying, shouldn't that be grounds for reporting without being considered false reporting?
Actually, I got the answer from the site itself. Give yourself one minute and refer to the FAQ, which is mentioned here, along with many, many, MAAAAANY posts:
We ask that you use the reporting feature to identify truly egregious behavior, such as creative profanity (swearing around the filters), solicitation of usernames/passwords, predatory threats, racist comments and other such actions as outlined in the Terms of Use