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Make your own ... ANYTHING!

Aug 13, 2009
Here, you can post any single idea you might have.


Name: Gurtok Barracks

In this dungeon, you must first "Storm the Guards", and "Fire the Towers".

Storm the Guards Quest: Defeat 10 Gurtok Warriors, 5 Gurtok Mages, and General Blazehorn.

Fire the Towers Quest: You must get a torch from the Barracks and blaze the towers.

The next quests require strength, as well as wit.

Unlocking the Locked: Find the combination of numbers to proceed.
The numbers will be hidden in crates along the Barracks.

Breaking Sweat: Now, in the second area there will be water wells. Unleash the water and let it flow at the locked door.

Finally Getting Somewhere: Defeat Cheiftan Stormslash


In this part, you will be in a part called "Gurtok Palace". It will be haunted by Gurtok from the past, and to learn their knowledge, you must beat them in a fight.

I'll post more soon, but now I really have to go :(

Aug 13, 2009
Now, here's more of Gurtok dungeon.

Knowledge Ledge: Find a way to get to the ledge where the first knowledge keeper is.

Bitter Cold: Defeat First Knowledge Keeper.

I'm with Elephant: Talk to Keeper. "Well, a fresh little face ... what do you want?" You tell him. "Here, take this Crystal, and go, GO! SHOO!"

Crying Crystal: Use the crystal at First Gate and get through. Four Gurtok Crystal Keepers will confront you.

Bringing it on: Talk to the four Gurtoks.

"So, you want entry, eh? We fight for this. Now, bring it!"

Defeat Gurtok Crystal Keepers and collect Sparkling Rubies.

Perfect Diamonds: Use the jewels and open Final Gateway; and Locate Lord Gurtok.

"WHO DARES ENTER MY FAIR LAND?!!!!! YOU SHALL PAY!" The Gurtok gets on his feet, and pulls a crystal scabbard. "THIS IS THE LAST PIECE! FIGHT ME FOR IT!"

Dear little Gurtok ...: Destroy the Barracks and the Palace with Exploding Crystal.

May 28, 2009
Ok I'm going to make my own pet. I know that the new pet feature is coming out so this is my pet combination. A ninja pig mixed with a piggle mixed with a unicorn. It will be a flying ninja pig with a horn!

Feb 27, 2009
May 15, 2009
Melissa423771 wrote:
Ok I'm going to make my own pet. I know that the new pet feature is coming out so this is my pet combination. A ninja pig mixed with a piggle mixed with a unicorn. It will be a flying ninja pig with a horn!

O. O i never thought of that

i would have...
a wraith mixed with a piggle and a ninja
so it would be a flying pig wraith XD