I had to wait a few days to post this until I was sure what I wanted to say. Please treat people on your friends list with courtesy and respect.
I had accepted a new friend and found that he was calling me to help him for every battle he was in. They were not big bosses, just your everyday boss on the street.
I would leave whatever quest I had been working on, and go to his location to help him. I even bought henchmen a few times to speed things up so I could get back to my quests.
Then one day, I had to walk away from my computer for a few minutes, and when I returned a message happened to come in to me from this friend saying (in all caps with a ton of exclamation points too) "Why didn't you help me. Now I died." And before I could even respond, he deleted me from his friends list.
Okay. Now I'm hurt and angry. I do not ignore friends. I happened to be away from the computer at the time. If you ask me a question, wait for a reply. All of the times that I did come and help you. you never once said thank you.
I don't expect much. But I would like some courtesy and some respect.
I'm glad you deleted me from your friends list, because if you didn't, I would have deleted you from mine.
I hope that the friend I am talking about is reading this post, and understands what I am saying.
I dont know how many i have deleted because they expect a person to just jump from what they are doing to just port to their lost cause. And i say lost cause because when they are yelling for help its usually too late to do anything about that.
They dont have the presents of mind to invite someone to something that they tried and did not make it. Oh no they didnt even try to begin with.
Dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with helping a person, but that doesnt excuse the person being helped from the courtesy of making that arrangement before the fight.
BTW, I know not everyone can solo or should even want to solo wizards. The biggest thing about wizards is the social context and that is what makes it fun. But there is a difference between being social and being enslaved to someone who just doesnt want to handle things or expects someone else to fight for them.
That is what the henchmen are for, and if they cant afford the crowns then they can figure that time is crowns to other ppl too
p.s. you have every right to be upset with that person, but there is no reason to feel hurt by anything that happens in wizards because while it isnt JUST a game, it is STILL a game
Take my advice, if you've never been in a battle with them, or had a conversation (pleasant, of course) with them, don't accept their Friends Request. All they are going to want is someone they can constantly ask help from and/or someone who is farther along than they are so they can port to you in order to get into areas they haven't unlocked yet.
To: f1ng3br1ts0n: thank you for your comments. I know it is just a game and I try to keep that in mind. But he really ticked me off. I wasn't as upset/hurt as I might have sounded...just ticked off really.
I do have a lot of friends and I enjoy helping and being helped by them too. Many times they port to me and help out without even being asked. I like that too. Thanks again for listening.
Julia, sounds like you know how to be a friend, and this person did not. I know it is easy to say don't be hurt or angry, but best to learn that some people do not know that friendship involves give and take. Not just take. I have to say that I believe you got the better end of the deal when this person deleted you. Less headache, less hassle, and certainly a lot less unnecessary drama from the sounds of it.
Keep in mind that this is your computer, your membership, your game time and do with it what you want. Don't give more time than you are comfortable giving.
That kind of stuff happens to me all the time. Its not just you. Sometimes I get deleted for really no reason at all. A couple times I have been helping someone at the moment, and then another friend whispers that he/she needs help. I say that I'm helping someone else already, then they delete me. :x I mean, come on! But I don't give them what they want. They expect me to come crying back to them on hands and knees, begging them to be my friend again. Well, you know what? They deleted me. Thats their loss. I go on like nothing happened, and the next thing I know, they come crying back to me. But I usually don't friend them again. That was what they wanted, its too late now.
Well, I am sorry about the situation. Now he has no friend and no one to help him. That's his loss.
To: f1ng3br1ts0n: thank you for your comments. I know it is just a game and I try to keep that in mind. But he really ticked me off. I wasn't as upset/hurt as I might have sounded...just ticked off really.
I do have a lot of friends and I enjoy helping and being helped by them too. Many times they port to me and help out without even being asked. I like that too. Thanks again for listening.
Aww I'm sorry to hear that. I used to be a person that asked for help all the time, and then I realized how annoying I was. So I fought solo most of the time and then my brother and I became friends and were on the same quest and everything. So I don't need help at all IT IS SO RARE when I ask for help. But if any of my friends ask for help I will help them and yes I am very nice to my friends and they are nice to me. I help them out most of the time especially when they are in an emergency. But sometimes I can't because I am in a dungeon or a battle or some sort and I only have so much time on the computer. But other than that I try my best to be good to my friends like I pretty much always am. But I agree with honey bee be good to your friends.
Hope this helps people who aren't nice to their friends most of the time
I had to wait a few days to post this until I was sure what I wanted to say. Please treat people on your friends list with courtesy and respect.
I had accepted a new friend and found that he was calling me to help him for every battle he was in. They were not big bosses, just your everyday boss on the street.
I would leave whatever quest I had been working on, and go to his location to help him. I even bought henchmen a few times to speed things up so I could get back to my quests.
Then one day, I had to walk away from my computer for a few minutes, and when I returned a message happened to come in to me from this friend saying (in all caps with a ton of exclamation points too) "Why didn't you help me. Now I died." And before I could even respond, he deleted me from his friends list.
Okay. Now I'm hurt and angry. I do not ignore friends. I happened to be away from the computer at the time. If you ask me a question, wait for a reply. All of the times that I did come and help you. you never once said thank you.
I don't expect much. But I would like some courtesy and some respect.
I'm glad you deleted me from your friends list, because if you didn't, I would have deleted you from mine.
I hope that the friend I am talking about is reading this post, and understands what I am saying.
Your ex-friend, Julia Rainstalker
this is a player who is too needy there was a term for it let me think.... was it noob?... no.... umm... oh yea! they are called users this is a term given to players who will choose 1 person and almost force this pertson to help them with almost everything the best thing is if they keep "begging" for your help remove them
I once had someone ask me to port just to draw another monster to his battle, because he needed 3 more of them. Then he kindly said I could leave. He really didn't see this as a problem.
Another friend asked me to port all the time for average battles and sometimes when he had 2 other friends helping on a battle that I had easily solo'ed. After helping him out many times I asked him only to call me when he really needed me and he was much better after that. He was just really young and didn't think about it from my perspective.
I would say, if you explain to them what the problem is and they ignore your request, don't hesitate to remove them. When you do, don't feel bad about it. People who take advantage of you are not friends. I'd count myself lucky if that person removed you, it saves you from having to feel like the "bad guy" (though you wouldn't have been in that situation!).
I know this thread's a month old, but I wanted to comment anyway. It came up when I was searching for a way to play incognito. Sometimes I only have 10 minutes to play and don't want to be social or have to explain to all my friends why I can't help right then. Any way to do that that I'm overlooking?
I know this thread's a month old, but I wanted to comment anyway. It came up when I was searching for a way to play incognito. Sometimes I only have 10 minutes to play and don't want to be social or have to explain to all my friends why I can't help right then. Any way to do that that I'm overlooking?
Hi. Thanks for the belated reply. I've learned how to handle some of the frustrations with over-anxious friends. I've also become more selective on who is added to my friens list too. Things are going much better now.
The only thing I can think of for your "incognito" question is to turn off the options for "friends teleporting". It doesn't really put you incognito, so you're really still out there for all to see. I also switch to "perfect" realms instead of crowded or normal realms, when I want some alone time on the game. That seems to help too.
In the end, if someone does ask for help and for whatever reason I can't help at that time, I simply say "sorry. I can't right now." That usually works and I haven't heard that anyone was offended (yet?). Hope this helped.
I've been in the same situation before. I had a pyromancer friend a grand, he had nothing to do most of the time so he tried to help me a lot. By coincidence, I was up against him in PvP. I beat him, and I asked him to help me with the Labyrinth. He agreed, but then when we got to the Silver Sentinel, he started saying that wasn't nice and don't be mean. When I got the quest to beat all of those bosses, he ditched me. I checked him on my freind list, and now he is ignoring me. Was it because I beat him in PvP?
I had to wait a few days to post this until I was sure what I wanted to say. Please treat people on your friends list with courtesy and respect.
I had accepted a new friend and found that he was calling me to help him for every battle he was in. They were not big bosses, just your everyday boss on the street.
I would leave whatever quest I had been working on, and go to his location to help him. I even bought henchmen a few times to speed things up so I could get back to my quests.
Then one day, I had to walk away from my computer for a few minutes, and when I returned a message happened to come in to me from this friend saying (in all caps with a ton of exclamation points too) "Why didn't you help me. Now I died." And before I could even respond, he deleted me from his friends list.
Okay. Now I'm hurt and angry. I do not ignore friends. I happened to be away from the computer at the time. If you ask me a question, wait for a reply. All of the times that I did come and help you. you never once said thank you.
I don't expect much. But I would like some courtesy and some respect.
I'm glad you deleted me from your friends list, because if you didn't, I would have deleted you from mine.
I hope that the friend I am talking about is reading this post, and understands what I am saying.
Take my advice, if you've never been in a battle with them, or had a conversation (pleasant, of course) with them, don't accept their Friends Request. All they are going to want is someone they can constantly ask help from and/or someone who is farther along than they are so they can port to you in order to get into areas they haven't unlocked yet.
i totally agree, thats why i dont accept random request in wizard city, i at least have a conversation or a pvp battle