Personally, I'd save up for a school house or mount. Of course that would take longer, but a dungeon a day can make a difference .
But you're not me and thats just my opinon. House-wise, I'd go with a Marleybone house or the bigger wizard city house (because it has lots of rooms in the house area. So you can have more rooms than just your regular bedroom/whatever.)
well i think you should save a little more and get the Mb estate, you no the big one. it is a wicked nice house, and the basement room opening can be blocked off with a storm ice or fire KT tablet, the big wide ones. the house has good sized rooms and a nice outdoors i have had that house the longest out of any other house i have bought
each world offers 2 houses one big one small, each world offers progressivly larger houses, and of course each character can buy up to three houses so check them out and have fun. the characters you make later will benifit from your experiement.