ok here i want people to post some SIMPLE ideas for wizard101, nothing you know that will never happen or over the top for example like new worlds or spells, or idk other not smart ideas. simple ideas like:
seeing the necklace and ring on your wizard maybe adding glasses, just for show, because other characters have them being able to sit on your furniture
roller skates- we can have shoes that increase our movement already I just want to roller skate
lay on the bed
look through the telescope at the world my home is in
having the option to move your dorm room move up to any of the worlds you can enter, there are alot of empty houses in the commons of all but ds and ms
I like the one about having pets wander about your house, i have a dragon in my bank doing nothing since i got my pet hydra :D it would be cool to see it flying around in my room, or outside.