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Any suprising defeats?

Feb 27, 2009
My lvl 12 just defeated a mooshu boss with 1,550 health and his partner all by herself. I gotta say,that is saying something. Although she was storm and they WERE myth, still for a lvl 12, gotta say that was surprising. Anyone else had luck with shocking accomplishments?

Dec 14, 2008
Dakota Dawn has defeated Viktor Snowcrusher while i was farming for the new pet alone.

Yep, Dakota is speaking in 3rd person =D.
(starting now)

~Dakota Dawn

Dec 28, 2009
My most amazing win was when I played Lucius MacTavish. For those of you who don't know, this is the quest you get Judgment. Lucius has 1900 health, while his minion, the MacTavish brother, has 1300 health. I beat them when I had around 2000 health, thanks to a Marleybone crown outfit that gave me Satyr.

This isn't really a defeat, more like a stroke of luck, but I chanced upon The Jade Oni's Amulet of Duplicity in the Bazaar! I bought it right away, for I had wanted it for a long time. ~Christopher Titanbringer, Level 35 Balance Wizard

Jan 16, 2010
Jan 29, 2009
IamLezul wrote:
My lvl 12 just defeated a mooshu boss with 1,550 health and his partner all by herself. I gotta say,that is saying something. Although she was storm and they WERE myth, still for a lvl 12, gotta say that was surprising. Anyone else had luck with shocking accomplishments?
my lv21 beat a boss with 6500hp 8)

Apr 02, 2009
My Life wizard Sarah WaterSong is level 17, and she beat Gurtok Demon in Plaza of Conquests alone. Kinda lucky though had a treasure satyr.

Feb 06, 2010
A kid in olde town asked me how i got my wings so i told him " you have to die 10 times then you will be sent on a quest" soon afterwards he ran off to die...... 10................times..................true..........................story............

Jan 16, 2009
haha my lv 50 fire chase dragoncloud used fire cat on malistare he had fiull health and kill him the fire cat did 125,989 i used balance blades bladestorm drafon blade and somthing coll is i used a fire convert after my fire boost then it converted ti ice then did ice boost then i used ice convert i did all that 5 times and it did all that wow it was sooooo kewl :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Oct 07, 2009
I once defeated a level 22 wiz (can't remember the school) in a duel with my level 11 Death wizard.

I'm pretty sure he had to have let me win though. :)

I'm still pretty new so I don't have any cool boss stories yet. :(

But I'm working on it.

Initiate Death Wizard

Jun 06, 2009
My currently-level-41 Balance wizard Dugan DragonCloud has a weird way of defeating way-higher-level wizards. But here's the weird part: I do better when they get overconfident.

I beat a Storm wizard whose first words in the Arena were "heh, heh, heh."
He was level 48, or possibly higher. I was level 38.

As a mid-range Adept (level 26), i took down a Magus (level 33) Storm wizard.

And here's the weirdest thing of all: when i was doing a 3v3, one of my allies kept assuring us that he could win. To make a long story short, the third wizard and I got utterly vivisected. The person refused to even consider Healing us, continually say he could win. He lost.

So in PvP, Dugan gives overconfident people bad luck, regardless of relationship. I even lost to a level 36. I was overconfident. (although his victory could have had something to do with the Balanceblade, Hex, Elemental Blade and Trap, a few other boosts, and the final Triton he used)