----------------I have a request for the makers for Wizard101.------------------- Could you please develop an option to allow or disallow other players from jumping into your battle. I am sure there are a lot of players besides me that are tired of having other players just jump into their battles (thinking they're helping). I have had many instances where I am about to die and someone(sometimes more than one) just jumps in causing me to die because they've dragged more monsters into the battle. An option to allow players to deny entrance into the battle would greatly help. I am not opposed to others joining me, but as most do not have the common courtesy to ask you first, this idea would be of great help. We have the option to turn off friend and group requests, so a battle request is not unreasonable.
A side note to those that do ask before jumping in- Thank You for your courtesy and consideration.
I understand where you are coming from. This has happened to me many times. However this has not happened to me as often as having someone jump into battle with me who is 3/4 gone themselves, and when they are defeated, beg for healing. If I am capable of doing so I will try, but I won't let three foes beat on me while I try to find a healing spell. Not only that, but many of my characters are not able to heal anyone else, anyway.
----------------I have a request for the makers for Wizard101.-------------------
Could you please develop an option to allow or disallow other players from jumping into your battle.
I would have to second this request.
There is already a mechanism in the game that addresses this. If you have ever grouped with others, you will notice a little pink swirly in empty battle spots. When grouped with friends, the game will save spots for those in your group, so others can't join.
All we need is a way to tell the game to save 3 spots, even though we aren't in a group with 3 other people. A "solo mode", for those who want to battle alone.
Actually, what I would PREFER is that empty spots are blocked out after the 3rd hand or so. This would still give others the chance to battle with me, but once we have passed a certain point in the battle, new joiners would have to wait.
Sabrefangs wrote:
A side note to those that do ask before jumping in- Thank You for your courtesy and consideration.
You're welcome! 8)
------------------------------------------------------------- Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge) Steven SkullHammer - Level 25 (Adept Theurgist) Steven SkullHammer - Level 10 (Initiate Pyromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 12 (Initiate Necromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 11 (Initiate Diviner) Steven SkullHammer - Level 10 (Initiate Sorcerer)
I don't think that's a really good idea no offense :-( because that's going to disble me from helping people and I like having other wizards go into my battle anyway. So I disagree with you.
Yes... I agree with this too. I hate how people join random battles and then flee as soon as they enter! This puts an extra monster into the battle, and where I'm at, mosters are tough to beat!
The easiest way to prevent unwanted people from joining your battle is to join a group, and have that group in your area. Those purple rings are to hold the place for the group members and prevent other players from entering the battle. It's difficult though, since if one group member enters a battle somewhere else or leaves the area, those rings will disappear and then anyone can take that spot. You can also try going to a relatively empty realm, (Vampire and Wuu are at the end, so not many people are usually in those) or just ask the person that joins to heal you. If they can't or choose not to, then let them know what they did was discourteous, and if they blow you off, ignore them (that is not a reportable offense, so you can't report them, unless they continue to disrespect players and ignore their requests, then it can be considered harassment). I hope this helped you!
I don't think that's a really good idea no offense :-( because that's going to disble me from helping people and I like having other wizards go into my battle anyway. So I disagree with you.
I think you misunderstand the request. The user is requesting an option to disallow others from joining their battle. This would mean a setting that would let a player choose whether or not they want others helping them.
As much as you might want to help others, if they don't want your help, it is rude to simply join their battle without asking first. Some people prefer to solo battles for personal achievement.
Likewise, if you want others to help you, you would simply not turn this option on. It would be the player's choice whether to use this option or not.
------------------------------------------------------------- Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge) Steven SkullHammer - Level 25 (Adept Theurgist) Steven SkullHammer - Level 10 (Initiate Pyromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 12 (Initiate Necromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 11 (Initiate Diviner) Steven SkullHammer - Level 11 (Initiate Sorcerer)
I don't think that's a really good idea no offense :-( because that's going to disble me from helping people and I like having other wizards go into my battle anyway. So I disagree with you.
I am not proposing to stop others from helping altogether but many are tired of people just jumping in- this option will enable those of us who want to battle alone to do so and if they want help to accept you into their battle.
I once again say that I do enjoy help but I take from those that ask me first and not just jump in and mess me up. If my deck is set up so I can support more than 1 player then all the better but if I am struggling, I don't need a random jumper to add more to it(especially in upper levels).
By having this option it's the same as turning friends or group requests on and off- if you choose to, then it's your perogative.
I've been wanting to tackle Grummish GreatAxe solo, but every time I try someone jumps in and joins.
I typically like having people join me, but not if I'm near the end of my spell deck or mana. I don't need someone jumping in and adding an additional opponent at that point.
That said, there needs to be a way to handle this politely. This game is intended to be a safe SOCIAL environment, and exclusionary measures could detract from that. Maybe you could click an option that creates a "solo request" balloon message above your wizards head, something that all users can see and know that you're testing yourself and you don't want rescue.