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make a kroktail quest help please

Apr 23, 2010
Ok so i get summoned for this quest and asks water from the oasis and the tail. Well i went to get the tail and tried to complete the staff quest. Every time i completed a quest i got zero xp. But what ever i got the update for getting the tail and the staff. Although the staff one would not complete. I guess i need some previous quest. Any how where do i get the water ( i tried that small pond right when you go into the oasis, no go) and what prevous quest do you need before you start the staff. Thanks

Mar 12, 2010
For the water, I think you need to go to the "well" in the Oasis. It is near the Reagent Vendor.

Not sure what you mean by the krok tail??

Aug 12, 2009
go get the water from the well its next to the stores and the recipe vendor

May 15, 2009
For the water fromt he oasis you MUST gett he water from the WELL
the well is near the shops
while in dungeons after doing the quests so many times you will start only getting 0xp
and for the krok tail you MUST beat the final boss of the throne room of fire

May 24, 2010
The water for this quest is found at the fountain in Marleybone.

May 24, 2010
Correction to my last post. Originally, you were asked by the professor for water from the Marleybone fountain. However, the other posters are correct. The librarian in Krok says the best water is from the well in the oasis.