Stephanie WildHeart is a L.27 Storm magic major with a minor in Life magic. ;)
Stevie and I are having a little trouble dealing with the Island of Storms in Krokotopia. I've been experimenting with deck builds, different shields, different buffs and have gotten some DoT treasure cards to help break down the bosses that resist my strongest attacks, but it's still veeerrryyy slllooowww going.
Can I get some insight from other Storm wizards who have already passed this location? I'm having fun with the challenge, but I could use some expert advice.
Thanks for any help! Piper (the player) and Stevie (the wizard) "Blame it on my WildHeart <3"
Always use a wand / staff / sword of your opposing school. Keep one for your school in backpack to switch to only when you fight monsters of your opposing school.
Have 2 decks in backpack. One is your regular, everyday deck. The other is for when you fight monsters of your own school. It will contain your school's shield (from Sabrina in WC fairgrounds), your school's 3-pip and up damage spells, your school's blade, and most importantly your school's prism. You will also want to go to the bazaar and buy 10 or more of your school's prism card as treasure cards and put only those into the sideboard of your second deck. In this manner, if it is taking too long for your regular prism to appear, you can just discard and draw one immediately.
By using prisms and your school's damage cards, you retain all the benefits of your chosen primary school (blades, powerpips, damage and accuracy bonuses from equipment) while still boosting your damage to monsters of the same school.