Today I stitched 2 items of clothing together and found I didn't really like the color it created afterward. I went to the Clothing Dye shop and tried to dye it but I kept getting a "Transaction not successful" error. I had the amount of gold it was saying needed to color the clothes so I can't figure out why it is giving me this error.
Today I stitched 2 items of clothing together and found I didn't really like the color it created afterward. I went to the Clothing Dye shop and tried to dye it but I kept getting a "Transaction not successful" error. I had the amount of gold it was saying needed to color the clothes so I can't figure out why it is giving me this error.
Hello Shihosa,
I want to report that I have had this same exact problem on several occasions. I had to go back and purchase another one of the items I wanted for the look, paint it, then re-stitch.
As a general rule, I have taken this approach for all items I'm going to stitch now. Make sure to paint it first before you stitch it. In most cases, I have found I have spent far less gold painting the item before stitching it.
I did this yesterday with a pair of boots. The paint interface indicated that it was going to cost me somewhere near 26,000+ to re-paint my boots. So I went to the bazaar and found a pair of the same style (no matter what stats). They didn't come in the color I wanted, so I purchased them for the cheapest color I could find (brown on brown), for about 300 gold. I then went to paint them and the color I wanted cost about 400 gold. I then stitched them to the boots I had. So rather than spending 26,000+ gold to paint a pair of boots, it cost me a little over 700, and 100 crowns. (or about 10 cents)
But I agree. There seems to be a bug, because the paint interface does tell you that you have enough gold to paint the item, but doesn't allow you to do it.
Actually, thanks for reminding me. I took a screen shot that I need to submit through the support ticket system.
------------------------------------------------------------- Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge) Steven SkullHammer - Level 25 (Adept Theurgist) Steven SkullHammer - Level 24 (Adept Sorcerer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 15 (Initiate Necromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 13 (Initiate Diviner) Steven SkullHammer - Level 13 (Initiate Pyromancer)
Did you check your gold before or after you selected the colors you wanted? If you checked it before you picked your colors you probably did not have enough gold, if you enough gold after, report it as a bug.
This is an issue of not having enough gold, but it is STILL A BUG. Since the dye shop tells you the wrong amount of Gold needed.
1. The dye shop tells you that you DO have enough money. 2. The dye shop sometimes uses the previous items stats to calculate the gold needed to dye.
Step by Step Example (sorry kinda complicated):
A. Their was Death-Only school item with skulls and stuff on it in the bazzar for over 15K or so gold. The colors I want are not available so I buy it at its cheapest colors. (I'm going to dye it anyway). NOTE: I was buying this to stitch over my Death Wizard's Crown Gear.
B. It was going to be another 5K+ to dye it. At the time I had crowns to spare so I thought I would Double-Stitch it. I buy the cheapest Item from Wizard City and stitch the cheap items STATS onto the expensive items APPEARANCE.
C. At this point the Dye Shop says some ridiculously cheap amount to Dye it whatever color I want. BUT when I click on the Dye button it says it wasn't successful. NOTE: I have MORE gold than the Dye Shop tells me is required.
D. I come back later and try again. I have lots more Gold now and the transaction goes through. HOWEVER - The dye shop takes 5K+ gold from my characters instead of the listed amount (a couple hundred).
Another Thing - I've mentioned this as a bug before, but I'll bring it up again. If you stitch the look of a special Class-Only Item (examples would be the Death-Only gear with skulls on it or the Fire-Only gears with flames) onto another item. The new item becomes NO-TRADE, but isn't marked as such. Kinda makes sense that it is no-trade (don't want life-wizards running around in skulls I guess), but shouldn't the items be marked NO-TRADE. Oh well... not realy a problem as anyone stitching those items will quickly learn they can't be traded.