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About the level Cap?

Dec 17, 2008
So, i'm not sure how this whole thing works. I realize the cap goes from 50 to 60, but i need to know about the people who are already lvl 50 like me. I have done several missions since becoming lvl 50 almost a year ago and i want to know if we will get the exp when the cap is raised, or if it is gone for good. Please tell me so i can stop doing quests as soon as possible.

Grandmaster Necromancer
Iridian BlueBlood

No record of experience is kept after you reach level 50, As we have stated on these message boards before, any experience you would have gained from quests or duels after you've reached level 50 is not credited and is gone forever.

May 08, 2010
That would be no fun. I'm from a World of Warcraft backround and I have leveled my characters through both, and eventually all three expansions.. it would be so lame if we just gained all the "Max level" experience we had acquired... then what's the point of an entire new zone!

Trust me, friend... you'll be excited to be able to progress with your characters again instead of feeling like you're running the same ol' dungeons again and again.