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Wizard 101 trading card game

Apr 28, 2010
I think that kingsisle should make a trading card game with the actual in game cards( plus more) in trading card form. the game play could be the same as if you are online. Little coins could represent pips, and you can only have around 32 cards in your deck. You can even sell school packs. And a die from one to ten could represent the probibilitys of the outcomes.

Nov 09, 2009
Not a good idea, I played Star Wars Galaxies before Wizard101, and THEY had a Trading card game. It was a waste of time and money.

Jun 06, 2009
that would be cool, only:

there should be no limit on cards.

you would have to use a 20 sided die, there are 85 and 75 accuracy.

i've been thinking the same thing, w101 is by nature a card game, it only makes sense.

Sep 23, 2008
Oh i got an idea how the game could work.

OK so you can have a deck with around 60 cards and you can only make up to 4 coppies of each can but you can choose with school you wanna be and that way you can make up to 8 coppies and you roll a dice on with person or team the biggest number goes first. Then for pips you have some white(Regular pips), and yellow(Power pips) tokens, and you'll have a 6 sidded dice that has 4 white stickers and 2 yellow stickers so you can roll that dice to see if your going to get a power pip or a regular pip. Then for Blades or shields you can have a caculater to do the math and everyone has infinante mana. Then for health deppending wich school you choose (Exp: Fire: 2400,
Ice: 3000, Storm: 2000, Life: 2800, Myth: 2500, Death: 2700, Balance: 2600). Plus you can have up to 8 players (4 on each team)!

Feb 18, 2010
pickman wrote:
Oh i got an idea how the game could work.

OK so you can have a deck with around 60 cards and you can only make up to 4 coppies of each can but you can choose with school you wanna be and that way you can make up to 8 coppies and you roll a dice on with person or team the biggest number goes first. Then for pips you have some white(Regular pips), and yellow(Power pips) tokens, and you'll have a 6 sidded dice that has 4 white stickers and 2 yellow stickers so you can roll that dice to see if your going to get a power pip or a regular pip. Then for Blades or shields you can have a caculater to do the math and everyone has infinante mana. Then for health deppending wich school you choose (Exp: Fire: 2400,
Ice: 3000, Storm: 2000, Life: 2800, Myth: 2500, Death: 2700, Balance: 2600). Plus you can have up to 8 players (4 on each team)!

you should go into accounting. a lot of organization and numbers here. good job.

Jun 28, 2010
The Friendly Necromancer, a featured blogger, has made a trading card game about wizard101 called Happy Dueling (His moddo) Here's the link!


Jun 28, 2010