well since the pet patch i could log in (at first) but every-time i need to load something, an item etc., the game would time out and pop up a window saying cannot connect to Wizard 101 please try again then it would close out, but if i avoid loading new items game ran fine.
when logging in after pet patch i had noticed that on the login screen the login browser was showing a cannot validate security certificate screen. and now today it wont log me in and takes me to a "test" screen and i try that and pass the browser test but fail the second test, i allowed game and graphicexe through firewall and it still wont log in.
so i uninstalled and tried to reinstall but the install stops with a security certificate rejected screen and i cant do nothing now
well since the pet patch i could log in (at first) but every-time i need to load something, an item etc., the game would time out and pop up a window saying cannot connect to Wizard 101 please try again then it would close out, but if i avoid loading new items game ran fine.
when logging in after pet patch i had noticed that on the login screen the login browser was showing a cannot validate security certificate screen. and now today it wont log me in and takes me to a "test" screen and i try that and pass the browser test but fail the second test, i allowed game and graphicexe through firewall and it still wont log in.
so i uninstalled and tried to reinstall but the install stops with a security certificate rejected screen and i cant do nothing now
Those SSL VeriSign certificates need a proper date and time from you during the course of verification (an invisible process you may not know about).
Your certificates are most likely just fine because things were functioning normally.
Did you have a power outage at this time or did you unplug the computer?
Look down in the bottom right hand corner at your clock in the system tray. Double click on it and the time/calendar will open. Make sure you have the proper day month and year.
If you don't have the proper day/month/year SSL VeriSign certificates will be invalid.
That is one cause of this SSL VeriSign certificate error but it's a place to start.