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easy way to get money

Mar 14, 2009
i'm looking for an easy way to earn money (level 40 balance) if you know any please help (pet snacks are not cheap!)

Mar 13, 2010
The easiest way is to sell stuff. If you don't have anything to sell, farm some bosses for equipment.

Jun 09, 2009
nofloc wrote:
i'm looking for an easy way to earn money (level 40 balance) if you know any please help (pet snacks are not cheap!)

Kraysys often drops (about 1 in 3 item drops) worth at least 500+ gold, also you might get the your grand hat from him, he drops a lot of expensive stuff.

Apr 24, 2010
Angelocean wrote:
nofloc wrote:
i'm looking for an easy way to earn money (level 40 balance) if you know any please help (pet snacks are not cheap!)

Kraysys often drops (about 1 in 3 item drops) worth at least 500+ gold, also you might get the your grand hat from him, he drops a lot of expensive stuff.

May 01, 2010
My suggestion, if you simply want money, is to check your friend's list for some higher level players, preferably an Elemental (Storm, Fire, Ice) Grandmaster.

If a Grandmaster is playing, chances are pretty good that he/she is farming.

Port to them, say "Hi" and (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT) be helpful! Support his/her attack by giving blades out. If, after a few battles, you don't feel as if they appreciate you, or if you feel like they just aren't very good, excuse yourself and find another wizard to farm with.

My Storm wizard can defeat any group of monsters (up to 4 at a time) in DragonSpyre in three rounds - but only if I have a Balance wizard for support. The Balance wizard goes in first:

ROUND 1: I start with either 2 power pips or a regular pip and a power pip. I cast a StormBlade on myself and get a Balance Blade from the Balance wizard.

ROUND 2: Chances are good that I get another power pip (75%). I cast a Tower shield, the Balance wizard casts a shield.

ROUND 3: Balance casts BladeStorm. I cast StormLord. Battle is over.

Get in with a good Elemental wizard and you'll have more cash than you can spend. Before the pet update, I was maxed. Since the update, I'm down to about 60,000 gold, after spending all my money on Hatching and snacks.

Mar 01, 2009
now a days when i play (i'm saving up quests for the lvl bar to go up) i farm all the time and since its easier for my lvl 50 to get items that are worth a lot i use the shared bank to get those into my lvl 30's hands so she can sell for money.