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Suggestion: Lock Item feature

Jan 03, 2010
My family plays the game on subscription. My kids love it and it's a great thing to do together. However, it is very frustrating when little kids accidentally sell items because they don't understand all the ins and outs of the shops. We've tried regulating them and giving them rules (like no selling or buying without mommy or daddy right next to you) but it's tough for them.

If there was a way to lock an item so it couldn't be sold. Especially items bought with crowns! Or even a buy back feature where you could buy your item back within a limited amount of time. Something... anything!

My son has sold all sorts of stuff, but when he sold both his house and his permanent wings it was a bit much.

Dec 14, 2009
I feel for you. You might want to stress to them that if they sell the "crown" items,they will not get a replacement,and then stick to your words. If they really want to get a replacement,then set them a hard task or chore to complete to earn it. Only after they complete their tasks,reward them with the item. They will learn the value of hard work,and not be so careless with their hard earned items. :)

Aug 14, 2008
Sounds like a good idea! I often get decent gear for other schools, which I put in the shared bank just in case I make that sort of wizard. But sometimes my mom plays when I was at school (I'm out now, thank goodness), and she goes through all my stuff and sells half of it. I helped a friend kill Malistaire for a few times, and I got some of his gear for life. I put it in the bank and was excited because I have a lvl 20-30 life wizard, but then my mom sold it because I had gotten it on my Ice character. I was pretty upset. However, it isn't as bad as your case with the Crowns items. Ouch. You should report that and explain your kids not knowing what to sell and what not to.

Anyway, to sum this useless post up, I agree.