why is it that if you buy the card in real life you get a pet, but if you buy it online it gives you nothing? shouldnt we get the same things for our money? i think it is not fair. Can you tell me why that is so? And also why do people that get crowns insted of a subscripion get more items? is it becouse the people who made this game wants money more then satisfaction of the player by makeing parents pay more to get a FULL experience of the game. (sorry for my spelling)
no what is not fair is that i have been trying to pay my account sence the last week in may and i have email the tech i have a larg account an want to add my grand daugther this is a new account i had to start just to get you guys so if u can will some one get back with me so i can pay my bill an the kids and my self can play ty ps and i am grandma52