I've made a post about this before, but now that school is out, it's getting out of control. I've been trying to farm the Gurtok Demon for the Spectre pet for a week now, but it's virtually impossible to do because of the level 20's porting to Dragonspyre to "help". This is getting absolutely out of control and needs to be addressed. These people cannot help and only hinder battles. I have no problem with people helping with areas later in the game, (i.e. a level 35 helping with Tree of Life), but seriously, when you're facing an opponent who's HP are 10,000 and your best spell in Firebird, something's not right there. PLEASE do something about this problem KingsIsle, because I have the sinking feeling this is how it will be in Celestia too, and it will kill it for me. You do this with the towers in Dragonspyre, why can't you do this with entire worlds? Being in Dragonspyre should be a privilege, not because you have a friend who's already there.
I've made a post about this before, but now that school is out, it's getting out of control. I've been trying to farm the Gurtok Demon for the Spectre pet for a week now, but it's virtually impossible to do because of the level 20's porting to Dragonspyre to "help". This is getting absolutely out of control and needs to be addressed. These people cannot help and only hinder battles. I have no problem with people helping with areas later in the game, (i.e. a level 35 helping with Tree of Life), but seriously, when you're facing an opponent who's HP are 10,000 and your best spell in Firebird, something's not right there. PLEASE do something about this problem KingsIsle, because I have the sinking feeling this is how it will be in Celestia too, and it will kill it for me. You do this with the towers in Dragonspyre, why can't you do this with entire worlds? Being in Dragonspyre should be a privilege, not because you have a friend who's already there.
"level 20's porting to help" so there your friends who port to you, just turn you port off. If they were randoms just joining your battles it would be a different case but these are your friends and you have control over the people who teleport to you. So this really isnt a problem, just a person who doesnt like his own "friends".
when ya want to be left alone or not allow lower level players in either turn your port off, delete them, or accept it as part of the game. That is what all the other grumpy players do. Fact is, there are quite a few who wont even friend someone not of their level. Their choice and the way they choose to play and nothing in the rules say you should be different.
However, there is no need to change that because there are far greater players who frankly don't mind or encourage lower level participation.
The only thing i would like to see is the end of savior of the spire badges on people who haven't had the quest because they did not go through the paces of endless towers and dozens of fail to collects for a quest.
I totally agree a friend and I was fighting gurtok and a low level joined in and when he got in trouble he kept yelling for us to heal him.
Next time this happens we will port out and change realms it really makes me mad that I had to work to unlock each area and these are just dropping in willy nilly.
I was fighting Gurtok Demon with some Grands and I am lvl 48 and 2 random Life magus come and steal half the places of the Grands but then all they do is heal themselves and nothing else. Then one Magus calls me a "noob". Me and another Grand in the battle found that quite hilarious. Me and the Grand become friends and then leave to another server. I don't like going from the server I am on unless I am meeting a friend or I need to look for help.
Dylan FireCaster 48 Pyromancer DragonSpyre Explorer
For you information, when I started DragonSpyre I had about 1300 health. But ya I am a diviner, low health ya know. Now I have around 1800 health but that's beside the point.
But ya I agree there should be a battle lock. Just hit a lock button in the corner or something and it locks it, and if there are more people in the battle it would say on their screen that says "(Your Name) has requested to lock the battle. Agree or Disagree?" Then if the majority agrees the battle will lock.
I heard someone say something about the Gurtok Demon, something like that happened to me. I was farming for the Iantine Spectre (Pet) at the Gurtok Demon with my friend Maria, and 2 APRENTICES join the fight. I asked them to leave and they called me a noob and kept fighting. One of them was a storm and kept saying he could do more damage than me even though his best spell was storm bats! (I ended up doing a Triton that did 6000 damage with a lot of blades and traps and he shut up)
Anyways, at the end of the battle, both of the aprentices got the pet and I got boots. I mean, they did a total of 600 damage together in the whole fight, and they both get the Iantine Spectre, then I do 6000 damage ALONE and get boots I can't even use? Something is wrong with that picture.
Hmm...perhaps you only did the story quests? There are tons of side quests in the other worlds, which (obviously) give you more experience. That should help you level up. Also, you gain more natural health points every time you level up. Why not you take some time off and do them? 8)
I justed started Dragonspyre on my storm guy with my two friends, one being storm and the other death. On our first quest there, a level 28 ports. He claims he wanted to help. Then he said he needed help fighting skeletal pirates because he accepted a side quest in dragonspyre. I understand why he would do that, but isn't that cheating? That's what all players who port are doing. He also claimed he wanted more money. WAIT YOUR TURN! IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!
I have 3 accounts and had a low level jump in on my battle while trying to get the pet in DS so I took the easy way out. I sat there and shielded my chars and when he hit the enemy(i think it was that storm or myth minotaur) started to hit him so I just let him die and then finished him off. I was going to kill it but when I loaded it with feint and other traps he used a wand so I just let him die. Problem solved.,
I've made a post about this before, but now that school is out, it's getting out of control. I've been trying to farm the Gurtok Demon for the Spectre pet for a week now, but it's virtually impossible to do because of the level 20's porting to Dragonspyre to "help". This is getting absolutely out of control and needs to be addressed. These people cannot help and only hinder battles. I have no problem with people helping with areas later in the game, (i.e. a level 35 helping with Tree of Life), but seriously, when you're facing an opponent who's HP are 10,000 and your best spell in Firebird, something's not right there. PLEASE do something about this problem KingsIsle, because I have the sinking feeling this is how it will be in Celestia too, and it will kill it for me. You do this with the towers in Dragonspyre, why can't you do this with entire worlds? Being in Dragonspyre should be a privilege, not because you have a friend who's already there.
i agree completely, mostly because when you get to dragonspyre, it should be a surprise as to what it is like. same with all of the worlds.
paul ironflame, level 48 pyromancer, master of fire :D
Maybe you should give them a chance, they can explore where they are, if they die well uh, maybe they should be stronger and work at Wizard City until they are stronger(this includes low level Storm people).
maybe ki should put an attachment in where if you wanna join a battle it shows this screen saying wizards names and it shows if they said yes or no if they said no then LEAVE. i hope had a good idea!
Maybe you should give them a chance, they can explore where they are, if they die well uh, maybe they should be stronger and work at Wizard City until they are stronger(this includes low level Storm people).
No offense intended but I am guessing you are a low level storm wizard.
"level 20's porting to help" so there your friends who port to you, just turn you port off. If they were randoms just joining your battles it would be a different case but these are your friends and you have control over the people who teleport to you. So this really isnt a problem, just a person who doesnt like his own "friends".
Apparently I didn't communicate this problem thoroughly enough. These people are already there. I don't ask for them to port because they're already there. In fact, if I have a lower level friend on my list who does that, I delete him immediately. But no, go farm the Gurtok Demon and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Several Level 20-35 people roaming around and jumping in fights they have no business being in. I can turn off teleports all I like, it won't stop them from porting to other people.
But yes, I'd like to see an option put in where it would say "Alexis FireCaster (Fire Symbol) Level 50 would like to join this fight. Do You Accept? (Yes) (No)." The poster above me had it right on and I think it's a brilliant suggestion. They already do this with friend requests, it'd be nice to see them do it with battles too. Yes, it would be a nuisance every now and again, but it would save someone on the brink of death who's about to die from having another enemy sucked into the battle and would not allow those of us farming to be subjected to low levels who don't know how to properly fight (i.e. using Wand spells on bosses with tons of traps) from joining. The only time that I could see this being a hassle is with dungeons, but maybe they could add a prompt during the beginning such as "Megan Thunderblood (Ice Symbol) Level 45 would like to enter the dungeon. (Yes) (No)" If you click yes, she can automatically join all fights within the dungeon.
...it's virtually impossible to do because of the level 20's porting to Dragonspyre to "help". This is getting absolutely out of control and needs to be addressed.
You can turn off friend port you know...
Hello Merekid,
Good concept. Although the problem isn't people who have ported to ME. It is people who have ported to OTHERS, and then hang around and jump into other people's battles.
Plain and simple. You shouldn't be able to port into an area that you haven't unlocked on your own wizard.
"I'm sorry young wizard, but your friend is in an area that you have not yet gained access to. Continue your current quests and soon you will be able to join your friend in that area"
Simple. Problem Solved. End of story.
------------------------------------------------------------- Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge) Steven SkullHammer - Level 34 (Magus Sorcerer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 30 (Magus Pyromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 28 (Adept Theurgist) Steven SkullHammer - Level 21 (Adept Diviner) Steven SkullHammer - Level 16 (Journeyman Necromancer)
there is a solution whitch has been CONSTANTLY been answeared just turn off your teleports in the options part of your spellbook
Sorry Princess, but this does not solve the problem when wizards are porting in to others nearby and joining your battles. Something definately needs to change. (see my previous posts)
------------------------------------------------------------- Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge) Steven SkullHammer - Level 34 (Magus Sorcerer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 30 (Magus Pyromancer) Steven SkullHammer - Level 28 (Adept Theurgist) Steven SkullHammer - Level 21 (Adept Diviner) Steven SkullHammer - Level 16 (Journeyman Necromancer)
"level 20's porting to help" so there your friends who port to you, just turn you port off. If they were randoms just joining your battles it would be a different case but these are your friends and you have control over the people who teleport to you. So this really isnt a problem, just a person who doesnt like his own "friends".
Yes, but maybe he/she needs to call for help from another friend-one who's actually helpful-or they are fighting together, and if one dies, they port back once healed, so that wouldn't work. There are many reasons why he/she can't do this.
But I think you should be able to port one world above you(i.e-on Krok, you can port to MB.It's your own fault if your not ready.) Because I was stuck on krok, because I couldn't find the other quests I needed to do. So I wouldn't have been able to level up if I hadn't done stuff with my friends in MB.