Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
I strongly disagree with this. Yes having low level wizards in DS can be annoying, if not outright confusing. It is a high level world, so know that they will probably die quickly. I have NEVER had to wait for a slot or anything of the sorts in DS. If it seems crowded, I suggest you switch realms or try for a less active time. If you go by east coast times, middle of the week morning is usually the best.
If low level wizards were not allowed to teleport to there more advanced friends then many of us may still be waiting for someone to log on and help up us past the three crystals. Just be happy knowing that they may claim to have beaten Dragonspyre at level 15, but they really haven't. When they complete all the quests and reach it, they will have to do it all over again with most of the fun surprise of a new world having been removed.
Ds is a world for high level wizards who have earned the right to be there. Ds is also a slaughterhouse for low levels who think they can take it. Any time I invite my level 17 friend to DS it is for a specific reason and it can make the fight all that much harder. I have to look after her as well as myself. She makes a good placeholder in boss fights or dungeons in case they kill me. Gives me a chance to flee, use a potion and get back before she dies without having to start a fight all over again. She has helped me a lot, so I am very much against this idea of blocking it from level 19 and below.
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
I completely agree. It's gets so irritating sometimes, like you said, especially in the Plaza of Conquests. Mostly because of the Iantine Spectre that the Gurtok Demon drops. ALL the noobs want it, and once, a couple of Apprentices joined my fight, fist time they ever fought the Gurtok Demon mind you, and it was like, my twentieth time farming him, and both of them ended up getting the Spectre, and I got boots I couldn't even use.
My wizard's name is Dylan ShadowTalon, he is a level 46 Diviner, and I am completely with the idea of making a level block on Dragonspyre.
Actually, this should be in DragonSpyre section. But anyways, I'm still in MooShu but I hate when people randomly teleport. Definitely when I'm in a battle, then they join, and another enemy comes. Then they get a friend to come and another enemy comes! It's plain out aggravating.
Sincerely, Elizabeth MistLeaf Level 41 Currently in; Ancient Burial Grounds
I agree it is very annoying when a low lvl who hasnt earned the right to go to ds and is still there they should not be there end of story William Shadowhammer GrandMaster Pyromancer
I agree. It is a huge problem,and there are already several active threads on this issue. Something needs to be done. Several solutions will easily fix the problem such as : 1) level restriction 2) cannot access world until you have the necessary spiral key 3) increase threat(aggro) to low-levels
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
i totaly agree some ppl shouldnt be there but im level 19 right now and i went there and i think i have just as much expieriance as u guys i was fight the same ppl alone and i still beat them but i still agree for some ppl
do i as a noob i am level 32 and i have been to dragonspyre several times not much though :( :( but anywayus i feel sad if you count me as a noob
We didn't count you as a noob. I only count anyone lower than level 30 a noob. Magus means you're in Mooshu usually, and people in Mooshu aren't noobs.
Gah tell me about it! I am on my second character and I have a few lower friends. I'm in Plaza of Conquests and my level 20 friend ports in and got me killed :/
Oh and by the way! I got into DS from questing at level 34 and people always yelled at me that I needed to go back to Mooshu and I just told them that I dont need to cause I am just as good as they are.
-Talon LifeFlame - Grandmaster Thaumaturge Steven - NOW a Master Sorcerer
do i as a noob i am level 32 and i have been to dragonspyre several times not much though :( :( but anywayus i feel sad if you count me as a noob
We didn't count you as a noob. I only count anyone lower than level 30 a noob. Magus means you're in Mooshu usually, and people in Mooshu aren't noobs.
i am a magus in krok cause i am always helping higher lvl friends in Ds. If they did this i am sure some people would flat out quit, i would.
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
I completely agree. It's gets so irritating sometimes, like you said, especially in the Plaza of Conquests. Mostly because of the Iantine Spectre that the Gurtok Demon drops. ALL the noobs want it, and once, a couple of Apprentices joined my fight, fist time they ever fought the Gurtok Demon mind you, and it was like, my twentieth time farming him, and both of them ended up getting the Spectre, and I got boots I couldn't even use.
My wizard's name is Dylan ShadowTalon, he is a level 46 Diviner, and I am completely with the idea of making a level block on Dragonspyre.
Anytime I see anyone say "noob" or use it as an in game insult, I immediately think much less of them, and if they are on my friends list I remove them. It's just so lame and useless.
I agree with you about 75%. I really agree that low levels are SO ANNOYING. My little brother thinks he is so cool because he has friends that are in ds and he can port to them whenever he wants to. He is level 24. He is a nuisance in duels, as he just gets rid of all traps and proceeds to get everyone beaten. I have about six friends who are low levels, I added them for two different reasons: 1. Because they'll need help and want to get through the game, I can help them. 2. A couple of them are my friends in real life. Low levels should be blocked in ds, but I think they should be allowed anly if you allow them. There should be something that comes up when someone tries to port to you saying "_____ _____ Level __ would like to teleport to you. Will you allow them to teleport?" and yes or no buttons. Also they should not be able to get into battles unless the person who allowed them there is in the first spot.
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
Yea I think we need to let no noobs in to any world unless they've earned the right to do it. Like I was gonna do a hard tower with my friends. We had a great group and right when i was gonna get into the circle, A NOOB TOOK IT! My friends were to late to get out. And they just went ahead and tried the tower with noob. Later I heard he kept messing up the traps and they couldn't tell him to stop cause he was a non chat person. :?
I agree with you about 75%. I really agree that low levels are SO ANNOYING. My little brother thinks he is so cool because he has friends that are in ds and he can port to them whenever he wants to. He is level 24. He is a nuisance in duels, as he just gets rid of all traps and proceeds to get everyone beaten. I have about six friends who are low levels, I added them for two different reasons: 1. Because they'll need help and want to get through the game, I can help them. 2. A couple of them are my friends in real life. Low levels should be blocked in ds, but I think they should be allowed anly if you allow them. There should be something that comes up when someone tries to port to you saying "_____ _____ Level __ would like to teleport to you. Will you allow them to teleport?" and yes or no buttons. Also they should not be able to get into battles unless the person who allowed them there is in the first spot.
Alex Dragonbreaker Level 49 Master Storm
DUDE I LOVE THAT LAST PART BOUT THE YES AND NO BUTTON AND PERSON IN FIRST SPOT YOU ARE VERY CLEVER :-D oh and i have noob friends on my storm grand because i was a noob till i reached 13 without any quest( i made it to the end of Triton) then i just battled kraken and i still have some of my noob friends added cause i am too lazy to go through my list and i am doing malistare with 3 of my friends and this storm noob ports :P my friends are all storm and he wasted my storm trap windstorm feint elemental traps and a few other boost from death and balance on a LIGHTNING BAT IT DID A GRAND TOTAL OF 623 i removed him but he stayed through malistare and Malistare was low on health in the fifth hundreds his minion used a tempest my friends and i died but my noob x-friend used a Humungofrog and won malistare :p HE GOT THE STORM ROBE I WANTED so yes i do want the idea you had with the button stuff
Post Script Jacob SpellCaster(grand storm) and Jacob Life(grand Life)
Once I went to the plaza of conquests with my friend Wolf dusk heart. We saw a bunch of noobs fighting the maximum lvl.was like lvl. 12 and I thought WE should be the ones fighting so I also think we should ban wizards under lvl. 30 to go to Dragonspyre. :)
There is not one of us who where not at one time a new person in this game. Some lvl up quickly others take their time there is no reason we should band them from where they go that is up to the mediators of the game. We all make mistakes teach them instead of getting mad at them. Maybe you find they can be a good fighter if you just give them some pointers. :D
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
OMG I cant even tell you how much I agree with this! They should definitely be banned for several reasons. 1. Too many are there to level up without doing the quests and thats main reason they port to higher level players. 2. Once a lot of them port into a battle, they flee leaving the higher level wizard to deal with minion they caused to join the battle. 3. Is it fair to a higher level wizard who had done all the quests to literally be used by these guys? I think its very, very unfair. and 3. Even if they do stay in a battle. too much of the higher level wizard's time is spent trying to keep them alive cause they don't have the energy to be there. My name is Kiley Star and I think they should be banned or at least give the wizard they trying to port to the option to block them from porting. I've had to fight a lot of hard battles where a NOOB ported and then bailed. I don't like being used to level up and I hate it when they flee! So please, please, ban them.
Latley there have been quite a lot of low level wizards in dragonspyre and it's very irritating. They take our traps, and occupy slots (especially in the plaza of conquests) so esteemed high level wizards,whome have EARNED the right to be in dragonspyre, have to wait for an available slot or have to pt up with these noobs messing up our plans, and just making the game difficult. I'd like to start a petition to block all wizards under magus (level 30) from entering dragonspyre. This will make DS a more enjoyable place to be for experienced wizrads that have a better idea of how to play the game. If you support this idea please sign your character name(s) and levels and a short 1-2 sentence comment. Thanks.
OMG I cant even tell you how much I agree with this! They should definitely be banned for several reasons. 1. Too many are there to level up without doing the quests and thats main reason they port to higher level players. 2. Once a lot of them port into a battle, they flee leaving the higher level wizard to deal with minion they caused to join the battle. 3. Is it fair to a higher level wizard who had done all the quests to literally be used by these guys? I think its very, very unfair. and 3. Even if they do stay in a battle. too much of the higher level wizard's time is spent trying to keep them alive cause they don't have the energy to be there. My name is Kiley Star and I think they should be banned or at least give the wizard they trying to port to the option to block them from porting. I've had to fight a lot of hard battles where a NOOB ported and then bailed. I don't like being used to level up and I hate it when they flee! So please, please, ban them.
I am level 35 and this elimantes me from the ranks you think should be banned. All thought I see your point (I am a soloist so I understand) I also see why having them being able to teleport a good thing. The pay area's are actually lower in volume. I am assuming this place is a pay area as well. I find that I actually don't see as many in the pay area's as I do in the non-pay area's so having low levels around is not nessasirly a bad thing either. Where I hate to have peope jump in when I get into an area that is hard I would rather someone jump in and help!!!!! So if you can't find someone to help you that is offline it is always best to find someone to help you as well!