I have a question. I got some furiture items from a quest, but then something came up that started as, "I'm sorry, but your bank.." and i accidentaly clicked ok and i read what it said so i went to my house to put out my new furniture i got, and it wasn't there! I'm thinking the thing i clicked was explaining that, but i dont really know. Can someone tell me where they probably went?
When you receive or buy items, if your backpack is full, the items are put in your bank. If your bank is full too, I think that you do not get the items at all (not sure about that).
If that is what happened (your backpack and your bank are both full), you should clean both of them out. Sell what you are not using or don't need.
Then you can contact Help and Support and explain what happened. Maybe they can help you get back what you lost.