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I wish Life had more attack spells

May 25, 2009
I also think life should have better attacks. right now i'm level 19 thurguist so my best is tree. So in pvp whenever i use it people say THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE CHARGING!? then laugh. Also here's my new card idea it's sort of a death copy but different.

transfer- It does 100 damage to someone then who ever on your team you picked will get 50 back.

this is my second i've wanted one sience lvl 1

sacrifice- deals six hundred damage to someone from the other team and three hundred to someone on your team

May 25, 2009
Ambrose122 wrote:

I apologize, but I don't understand your point about the specialities of the school. Are you stating that all life is for healing and don't need attack spells or just stating what each school does?

i am with ya on that. people act like life is a tool for healing and thats that. it just makes me really really mad that people look at life like that. WE HAVE FEELINGS! we dont treat ice like its the ultimate weapon just cause it has attacking and shielding in everything. so whyshould we look at life like its a big fat healing tool. all i am asking is that you lay off on asking lifes for help ALL the time.

sincerely: Brian Fairyfist

I AGREE once i was in a pvp and did one attack and someone yelled at me because i should have been healing him when he was like 100 away from max health. You better believe I let him die. Then the jerk is sitting there dead screaming HEAL ME! and i lied ok then said oops as my fairy hit someone else.

Sincerely Wolf Hawk Caller level 19 Therguist NOT LEVEL 19 TOOL! :x :x :x

May 25, 2009
catboy2197 wrote:
Orca wrote:
catboy2197 wrote:
christopher62597 wrote:
Hey everyone its me again. I know that Life is the school for healing and I know that Life has some attacks but I wish they had a bit more. I'm not asking for all attack spells but I hope KI would put more attacks for Life when the lvl cap raises. Also I bet you a lot of Therugists would agree.

Plz post some of your ideas for Life attack spells, or comment, or both, but as always ty for reading!

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl. 50 Therugist
Savior of the Spiral

It's life school, not storm school. Life is healing, storm is attack, ice is defense, fire is damage over time, death is health draining, myth is minions and balance has a little of everything but also has a lot of shields, blades and the things like that.
If you were life you would agree.

My secondary school is life, so hush!

well if its your secondary then YOU CAN ATTACK!

May 25, 2009
Angelocean wrote:
christopher62597 wrote:
Thank you everyone who posted on, " I wish Life had more attack spells." I know that wizards that aren't Theurgists probably didn't agree with me, but a majority of you guys did so thanks :-). I wish that more people posted their Life attack ideas but I understand. I still hope that KI looks at this and adds more attack spells for Life ( Moolinda please reply! ) Also a big thanks to all that has read all of my messages!

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl.50 Theurgist
Savior of the Spiral

Let's turn your life gets more attacks phrase to other schools.
With that being said.
Storm should get more heals
Fire should get more shields
Ice should get more DoT
Myth needs to not double trap to compensate shields
Death needs more blades
Balance needs a shield

and let's turn what you said around

do you need shields or blades to win NO!

Jun 28, 2010
I'm sick of saying this. Life is the school of healing, and if you think about it, we're lucky! We get our rank 6 combat spell at an earlier level than everyone else! But, if you really want better attack spells, I suggest transferring to a different school, like Fire or Storm.

Jun 01, 2009
I totally agree. I love my Life wizard but I find it a bit unfair that the assumption of most people is that our sole purpose is to keep others alive. We just might want to -I don't know ATTACK- once in a while. I know it might be a radical idea to some people lol.

I just hate feeling that all we're good for is backup in a fight. Without a decent attack we have almost no chance of killing a boss without some serious buffing.

We don't have an Attack All Enemies spell either and our most powerful attack only hits for just over 500. I think it's just slightly out of balance. Maybe KI could consider giving Life an AOE spell...preferably a 7 pip spell with some power behind it to make it closer if not equal to other the school's attacks.

Jacqueline Strongheart, Level 50, Grandmaster Life

Jun 01, 2009
MercMissionary wrote:
Noticed that I didn't get my 65 healing spell, until late in the game and by that time I all ready had my 450 shield, 400 healing, and 270 friend spell.

New card ideas:
Friendship Shield- could shield all other players in battle.

Health Compiler- could compound health, until max health is reached. example: start with 5, next round 10, next round 20, next round 40, and so on...

Cure- removes over time curses.

Rebirth already does shield all players...as well as heal them. Unfortunately it's the last spell you get.

Jun 01, 2009
MercMissionary wrote:
Noticed that I didn't get my 65 healing spell, until late in the game and by that time I all ready had my 450 shield, 400 healing, and 270 friend spell.

New card ideas:
Friendship Shield- could shield all other players in battle.

Health Compiler- could compound health, until max health is reached. example: start with 5, next round 10, next round 20, next round 40, and so on...

Cure- removes over time curses.

We also already have a heal that kind of does that.
It heals over 5 rounds and gives a total of 2000 health.

Jun 21, 2009
You should train balance as a second school, if it bothers you that life has less attacks. I have a life charater and I do just fine.

May 09, 2009
i'm sure all life wizards would like more attack spells but you have to remember life is a HEALING school not a ATTACK school. all the other schools focus on attack or def. and life is the only school that can heal its self and others, (i'm leaving out death because they only have 1 spell that can heal others).

if you dont like not having a lot of attack spells then dont make a life wizard. instead make life your second school until you learn satyr that way you have got a good healing spell and you still have plenty of attack spells.

connor dunestrider, lvl 50 balance
connor silvershard, lvl 50 storm
connor skullwalker, lvl 48 death.

Apr 24, 2009
i totally agree!!!!!

i am tired of using CENTAUR all the time just to kill ONE person!!!!


like someone else said,

life is for healing, not attacking, and as the book of secrets says, (at the beggining of the game) life people dont attack much, and they usually work in groups.

Feb 16, 2010
You have to think of the balance of the game. Some schools have strengths in areas where others are weak. Life is a strong healing school. To give it a higher powered attack would upset the balance of the game. IMHO

Jun 21, 2009
I agree, its better to team up with others, instead of creating a solo charater. Being that this is an online game, networking should be important. This lets you specialize your charater.

Aug 25, 2009
I have a grand Storm, grand Balance, master Death and master Life. I have Death as a second school on my Life Wizard. I would have agreed with the statement about more attack spells on my Life wizard until yesterday. I was battling Tomugawa (sp?) in Ancient Burial Grounds. I quickly took out the storm minion with Centaur and a blade. I then used a combination of blades, traps and a feint with Centaur on the death boss. I hit 4584 and it was over.
Life can be very strong. It will defeat a death boss more easily than others, but will be a sure hit when you have a good setup. Make sure you get the blades and traps from Niles in Krokotopia.
I enjoy the Life wizard more as she gets to a higher level and look forward to fighting Malistaire with her.

May 21, 2009
zaxcdcd wrote:

I enjoy the Life wizard more as she gets to a higher level and look forward to fighting Malistaire with her.

First of all I have to say I am a boy zaxcdcd not a girl! Secondly thanks for all of the new posts. I admit there is somethings that I didn't do for my wizard that I should have done, but I will. Still in the end I along with other Theurgists wish Life had more attack spells.

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl.50 Theugist
Savior of the Spiral

Jan 17, 2010
You are right, Christopher. As I travel down the mean streets of Dragonspyre with my life wizard, I wish I had a global attack spell. I have not been defeated, but it takes a long time to win against the mob. Like all schools, there are things I like and don't like about the Life School. I guess that is why I have four different wizards, so I can have a variety. But you have my vote about a little bit more strength against the mob.

Jun 01, 2010
Asdfjklhgf wrote:
Ambrose122 wrote:

I apologize, but I don't understand your point about the specialities of the school. Are you stating that all life is for healing and don't need attack spells or just stating what each school does?

i am with ya on that. people act like life is a tool for healing and thats that. it just makes me really really mad that people look at life like that. WE HAVE FEELINGS! we dont treat ice like its the ultimate weapon just cause it has attacking and shielding in everything. so whyshould we look at life like its a big fat healing tool. all i am asking is that you lay off on asking lifes for help ALL the time.

sincerely: Brian Fairyfist

I AGREE once i was in a pvp and did one attack and someone yelled at me because i should have been healing him when he was like 100 away from max health. You better believe I let him die. Then the jerk is sitting there dead screaming HEAL ME! and i lied ok then said oops as my fairy hit someone else.

Sincerely Wolf Hawk Caller level 19 Therguist NOT LEVEL 19 TOOL! :x :x :x

Nice job dealing with that one, what was his name? My level 22 balance guy might be friends with him, sorry.

Mar 01, 2009
Ambrose122 wrote:

I apologize, but I don't understand your point about the specialities of the school. Are you stating that all life is for healing and don't need attack spells or just stating what each school does?

i am with ya on that. people act like life is a tool for healing and thats that. it just makes me really really mad that people look at life like that. WE HAVE FEELINGS! we dont treat ice like its the ultimate weapon just cause it has attacking and shielding in everything. so whyshould we look at life like its a big fat healing tool. all i am asking is that you lay off on asking lifes for help ALL the time.

sincerely: Brian Fairyfist

i agree with you there
i once went in a dungeon with some friends another life and i were told that we were to heal while the other guy attacked that was very annoying cause i was higher lvl than that guy and i knew centaur which is really good man did i hate having to help that guy
anyway i would really love some more attacks for life my life character barely gets an attack and barely uses half of them cause they are weak

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 you guessed it .. LIFE!

Jul 01, 2009
All schools specialize in one thing and one thing only! And life is not attack! But there is one thing good about life's attack! It is the most accurate of all attacks!

Jun 13, 2010
Totally! We have the fewest attack spells. We don't have a DoT spell, or even an attack all spell. We need to be able to at least solo a little of this game. -_-

An all attack spell would be nice. :3

Mar 29, 2009
I get where your coming from. My Life wizard is lvl 34 and her second school is death. Which is now where i see my mistake. I dont get another death spell till lvl 42, but also i dont use death too much anyway. And life well, my best attack spell does around 500 plus blades.
I do wish life atleast had one more attack spell... Or else idk how were gonna survive in Celestia!

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

May 01, 2009
catboy2197 wrote:
christopher62597 wrote:
Hey everyone its me again. I know that Life is the school for healing and I know that Life has some attacks but I wish they had a bit more. I'm not asking for all attack spells but I hope KI would put more attacks for Life when the lvl cap raises. Also I bet you a lot of Therugists would agree.

Plz post some of your ideas for Life attack spells, or comment, or both, but as always ty for reading!

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl. 50 Therugist
Savior of the Spiral

It's life school, not storm school. Life is healing, storm is attack, ice is defense, fire is damage over time, death is health draining, myth is minions and balance has a little of everything but also has a lot of shields, blades and the things like that.

Well, i have a death grandmater and it drrives me completly insane when life wizards decide to attack :!
Life was created as a support school, not as an attack school. In my opinion life, balance, and ice are support schools. Death is used for soloing since it can heal itself AND attack at the same time. Myth i think is the most useless school there is since in my mind, it doesn't really have much of a purpose. Attacking schools are storm and fire. Storm because of its massive attack power and fire because it can do damage over time.

Soooo my message is life people, please try not to attack as often ESPECIALLY if someone is asking for help or healing.

Wolf Talespear
Grandmaster Necromancer
Vsit me at- www.thedeathdominator.blogspot.com

Aug 30, 2009
live2write wrote:
I've had the same thought several times...I love being Life, and while we can keep ourselves alive for what seems like an eternity (gotta love all those healing spells!) we have trouble defeating our enemies because of our limited amount of attack spells. It also frustrates me that the few attack spells we DO have aren't that powerful. I mean, Centuar can do about the same damage as Triton, which isn't even the Storm school's top spell. I understand that the different schools have different advantages and disadvantages, but I would really love it if KI would maybe come up with a spell one knotch better than Centuar (dont get me wrong, I love Centuar, but I'd like something a little more powerful). Personally, I think an Elf or something would be really cool. Just an idea, though...
*Tatiana Storyheart, Magus Theurgist

You mean Kraken. I have a life wizard too, and I can't solo most bosses. I think a spell that takes the amount of the health you have left and then does that amount of damage would be perfect.

Jan 23, 2009
I read this thread and you can pretty much see that most folks here are not life. Life is not just a healing wiz it HAS attcks it have a lot of attacks, it just doesn't have more one than one attack affective after mooshu.

Life is not a servant wizard and just because balance is the master of shields it isn't either. Life can be a powerful wizard but we dont want to be the Military Nurse. No one wants to HAVE TO PLAY with other all the time so a good damage spell or time release or multi-hit spell would be nice.

Mar 13, 2010
I have a Life Wizard about to be a grand master.

I find that I have plenty of attack spells. My level 6 attack spell is great. I use the level 4 (Seraph) most of the time and get great results with a blade and trap.

I have soloed most of the game so far, even the Labyrinth (used a couple henchmen when I got impatient).

My level 48 spell was a little disappointing since I expected a multi-heal spell.

I have done far more damage with this wizard than healing. I found this school easier to play than Myth.