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Grand Gear

Dec 24, 2009
Hey everyone, I guess this question is more for grands, but whatever...anyways! I was wondering, how do you know 1) if you've gotten you're grand gear (like is it labeled as "grand" or something)?

I know you need to defeat Malistare, but 2) is there any possibility you get it before that?

Also, when I do get my grand gear, does it consist of the hat, robe, shoes, ring, amulet, and athame? Or just hat, robe and shoes?

Thanks! :)

Feb 05, 2009
I'm not sure but i'm 100% positive that the ring and athane are part of the grand gear but they are lvl 45.

Mar 24, 2009
1)_No, your grand gear is not labled "Fire Grand Gear" or "ice Grand Gear". Usually, it's all the level 50 labled stuff of your school.
2)_Nope. The only way to get his robe is to find it from 1) Malistare himself or 2) Tumok Gravelbeard (Who has a giant loot table.)
3) It consists of your schools level 50 gear. Hat, Robe, Shoes, Athame, and Ring are all grand gear. You probably want to snag your level 42 spell amulet, though. Either that, or a trap or globe (Wyldfire, Sanctuary, ect) spell of your school. Later on, you can stitch your grand Hat, Robe, and Shoes (If you have the money) to school symbol stuff.
Hope that helps!
-Amber Rosepetal

Jul 04, 2009
iMiguel wrote:
I'm not sure but i'm 100% positive that the ring and athane are part of the grand gear but they are lvl 45.

Which is it, you're not sure or you're 100% positive? Either way, you're wrong. The grandmaster ring and athame are lvl 50. They are dropped from the 2 Gurtok bosses in the Dragon's Maw (part of the dungeon on your way to Malistaire.

Hat, robe, shoes, sword, ring, and athame for grandmasters are lvl 50. Deck is lvl 45.

Here is a chart for who has what items.

Dec 23, 2009
Except for Tumok which can drop almost anything, all robes are from Malistaire, the two Gurtoks drop your grand ring/athame, and everything else is dropped from random bosses in Dragonspyre outside of the Great Spiral. In addition, if you prefer a ring and athame which give you healing bonuses instead of mana pool increases, keep fighting Malistaire - although they're rare drops.