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Hate how quests are giving more experience

Aug 21, 2009
Do they really need to be made easier to complete and given more experience for it? I can see a bit easier to complete, but can't at all see why more experience should be given. Running the quests I and everyone else I've known who actually did the various quests hit grand master and max out on levels before ever finishing all the quests as it is. This means you max out and find it a bit boring to do the quests cause you get no experience credit, and now everyone will be able to max out experience even sooner than before. The only people more experience helps are those that aren't following the quest chains and aren't doing the side quests, and most of us hate those people, you know the ones that are way low level and in places they should not be, so I'd like to thank whoever came up with the idea of more experience for encouraging more people not to follow the quest chains and irritate us who have even more than they already do. I'd like to max out my level when I finish all the quests and not a long time before then.

Jun 06, 2009
for once i agree with seasnake. they give us 2000 xp to run around a bit and press x a bunch of times, with that kind of obscene bonus-giving, the level cap ought to be raised way past just 60, maybe to 70, 75, 80 even.

Dec 13, 2008
Indeed. The should have been a drop in xp reward, but I don't protest the difficulty drop, being storm in DS is very difficult, at least from my stand point.

Jan 27, 2009
it's so that the new world works, otherwise quests would have go from a norm of 1800 xp per quest to like 3000 for celestia

May 19, 2009
Have you even done the quests after the updates, the increase in xp they claim to give you is only a tiny bit more then it was before. Its hardly even noticable, and yet here you are complaining bc now the quests give 100 to 200 more xp.

Apr 03, 2010
Yes, but if you are one of the people who have done all of the side quests and the main storyline, that can add up to a lot.