Anyways I was helping a friend fight Shemet Djeserit, and I died. She used Helping hands, but no matter what I would not heal. She told me to Report it here. Can KI please fix this annoying bug?
Helping Hands doesn't do anything on the round it's cast. It heals 170 on each of the three rounds after that. If you die on the round it's cast, it won't help you at all.
This is already been read, if you remember they say that they look at your posts before they approve of them, so they know about it, and one of the fourms admins will post here to tell you they read it (Zeke, I believe?).
It isnt a bug. Helping Hands say: 540 <3 over 3 rounds. It will NOT revive you if you died. A spell such as Sprite, Fairy, Satyr, Unicorn, Rebirth, and Minor Blessing WILL revive you. Only life and death can revive you. However death can only heal others with Sacrifice.
It's really lame though, I don't see why it shouldn't revive when every other heal spell does. Being a balance wizard your healing abilty is close to none unless you spend all those training points on life spells. Helping hands is definitely not helpful, especially if it's your only heal other player card.
Helping Hands doesn't do anything on the round it's cast. It heals 170 on each of the three rounds after that. If you die on the round it's cast, it won't help you at all.