Hi I have a level 50 Fire. I want to make another wizard ( spirit most likely) But they all arent right, except fire, which i dont another( in my opinion) heres the things i do and dont like death like healing but want tough moves cool moves dont fizzle easily have a lot of health comes with good outfits more xp is easy picking another school Scarlet D.B 50 fire
I went Death. so far it has been pretty fun to level, I am sure I will find problems with it later. Storm was kinda tough to level because I noticed more Storm, NPC's then other schools.
I did Death this time around, to see what all the hub bub was about it. My secondary, well, what I did was look at other school spells and see what they can be good at countering. Since to me I feel like there where more Storm NPC's in game. I went Myth for Secondary. Plus I get Life shields which Death is week against.
idk how to quote 2, I had a wizard Death/ Life (PS hes a boy so if yo see a supper nice necromancer boy named liam silvershard that means hes a she) but now i need anothter so people wont think im a boy having a girl wizard im thinking balance, but im not sure
Scarlet DragonBlossom(MY MAIN CHARACTER) level 50 Fire Liam SilverShard level 5 Death