The Sprite Guardian wasn't made for combat (even though her only attack is Imp), she was made for healing. Yes it seems she heals herself more often than she should, but again, she was made for healing, and she does heal the players sometimes.
Yeah, my BFF in rl is a Life wizard and we like to joke about her Sprite "Trixie"'s selfishness When you first summon her, what does she do? That's right heals herself!
As for the Sprite attacking... That wasn't really meant for it's purpose. It was meant for you to take a break on the healing and attack instead. :D
I find that the "Forest Sprite" is always healing itself and not fighting. Could you change the AI for the Forest Sprite?
I agree. She was doing good for a while, now she's back to healing. She heals herself first, even when not needed. Then she healed me, even though I had full health. Then she healed another player, who also had full health. Seems like she is stuck in "heal only" mode...LOL
There are times I am glad that the minion gets wiped out. If she was strictly a healer and didn't throw out the random Imp and bust the traps that would be fine. I might even be able to tolerate her healing herself when there was no need to do so if she had the imp taken away from her. There have been many times I have had to attack early to preserve the carefully laid traps and prisms. I seem to recall that in an earlier update that the minions would be less concerned about themselves, apparently they didn't get the memo. At least with the Fire minion I know he is going to be an Elf Machine, it is the randomly thrown Imp that irritates me. I think it is about time to get one of the 'kill minion and get this in return' on my spell list.
I love my Sprite! With her and Sanctuary I am almost invulnerable. The poor thing has almost no health at all, so you can't blame her for trying to keep it topped up. Just don't expect to be able to use traps or prisms when she's out, because she'll definitely pull out the old Imp at that point. Put on blades instead.
No minion is perfect ( well, maybe Ice, but that's just an opinion because I've been playing an ice wizard who STILL has no Ice Blade).
The Life minion is terrible. I used her for the 1st time yesterday. Her first spell she gave me the heal bonus, which was fine. BUT her 2nd and 3rd spells were to cast Sprite on herself. 4th round, she used the imp. 5th round, she gave a life spell bonus to a death wizard who had joined the battle late. She also healed him the last 2 rounds, even though he was never attacked. Terrible AI.
I find that the "Forest Sprite" is always healing itself and not fighting. Could you change the AI for the Forest Sprite?
actually there is a way to teach it to fight for itself cause i did this with mine and now it heals me with satyr or unicorn. First you take it to unicorn way a not popular realm works better. You pass the only time you heal is if you need too. The sprite will relize if it doesnt attack then the fight will never be over it took a little while for mine to learn that although its ok. Then you take it to new streets and then all the way to ds. and rememer it can only learn the spells you learn. Only thing is I dont think it can use rebirth.