your just invjting wild bolt and judgement trolls here aren't you?
the dispells are so 1 school can't be uber.
sure lets get rid of dispells. THIS would really be helpful for people. some people rely on dispels on PvE not just PvP if we got rid of dispells the game would be imbalanced in fact we need 1 more dispell for it to be fair and that is a balance dispell
if you think about it dispells are 100% shields on one person and it takes 2 pips to use them if its not your school. and besides do you really think someone is gonna go buy all the dispells just for the arena? just saying.
Dispells are around for a reason, yes they can be annoying, but they are more useful than annoying. If you are having such a hard time with them then look for a solution to work around them, I've never had a real problem with them myself and have found them useful when fighting powerful bosses.
I like dispels. For me their main use is not in PvP. Dispels have an actual use in game fighting bosses and mobs. You can uses them to prevent a monster from shielding, which is very useful. For example, if a Death wizard is fighting a Life boss, then the death wizard can cast a Death Dispel so that the Life boss cannot shield.
KI, please do not let the complaints of a few people get to you. Dispels are fine just the way they are in my opinion, and I would like them to stay the same.
I think that Dispells are a necessity in Wizard101. They help even things out and I also think that there should be one for balalce. I'm not trying to say that I hate balance wizards, I have one of my own. All I'm trying to say is that it would make things fair, and balance the schools out if balance had one.
TwinkleJinx wrote:
Dispells come with a two pip cost, whereas Black Mantle has roughly the same effect and costs you nothing to cast. It all evens out.
Not true. Not only is a dispell a 100% fizzle, it also still takes the pips that would have been used had the dispell not been there. This is especially detrimental to people using X-rank spells like Judgement, Dryad, Annimate, Tempest, Heckhound, or Ice Armor.