I went on a quest hunt yesterday and found a quest with zan'ne and started on it. My quest tracker told me to 'use obelisk rubbing in The vault of ice' so i followed the tracker to the door to get in and it wont let me in. It looks like a dungeon because it has that thing that you stand on (Sorry dont know it's name) i've tryed everything and it wont work. Is it broken? or what do i have to do to fix it.
(Also sorry if this is the wrong forum this is my first post and i dont know were anything goes)
Either Halston's Lab or the Krokotopia sssection of the message boards are the right placesss for this question.
To retrieve the Tome of the Fang, you'll need to work your way through all the bossesss of that dungeon. Next time you enter that dungeon, they'll be waiting for you again, and thisss time, check your MAP using M instead of the Quest Arrow, it can be misssleading.
When you enter the area, you'll be given an additional quest ssso check to see what the sssteps are to complete that one, as the location of that quest finale is the sssame as the Tome of the Fang Quest Finale.
Bessst of luck!
Greetings traveling Wizard. I'll be your guide for Krokotopia. Yessss!