The Charity Meowmodon is not available at this time. Should we do another fundraiser, we would most likely offer the Meowmodon again at that time.
yes and this one should help the oil spill
great idea and if wizard101 does help the oil spill with another fundraiser maybe this game will get more and more famous
thats a good idea the more we help the more the money the more the game expands we have more fun the game get popular Wizard101 company gets money then they will lower prices on subscipshun we have all ability to the worlds till then wizard101 rich and no more subscibe stuff and we all happy then later it will be la la la more world lalala 8) till then we run out of ideas and there gonna be more quests in stead
Doing another fundraiser would be great. Especially if it was for something as big as the oil spill. It have perks for Kingsisle because more people would find out about their game, and of course it would help whatever cause the money would go to. And maybe it could be a different mount this time, or a special house.
The Charity Meowmodon is not available at this time. Should we do another fundraiser, we would most likely offer the Meowmodon again at that time.
You should raise money for the Marine Habitat. Like the Gulf Oil Spill, it will help a lot. Even when you did the last charity, you raised loads. That will help a lot!!
What a nice Idea please be sure the money goes to companies that are at risk FROM the oil spill small business's are suffering families without income and the like. Oh and by the way the cat is nice but FYI its 10% slower then the other cats so a royal lioness goes 40% faster then running and the charity cat goes 30% at least that what the stats say I don't race mice so not for sure enjoy them when you get them they do help.