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The Silver Chest Mystery

Nov 08, 2009
I've had an issue with a Silver Chest.

While passing through Regents Square in Marleybone, I saw an odd - looking chest with a sigil. I haven't seen it before, so I thought it was rare and opened it. It had the game Shock a lock. I managed to understand the game, but not before time ran out.

Do you have any tips on that game, and any other mini games a silver chest might offer?
Also, do you know of any other place where silver chests are more commonly found?
What are the different kinds of treasures in Silver Chests?

~ Andrea Skyblade, Adept Diviner

May 20, 2010
Silver chests are found all over Marleybone and in some areas of Dragonspyre.

The easiest way to play the game is to quickly open all of the squares and then make a path from one entrance (they look like the edges of gold coins) to the other.

Jul 21, 2009
There is only one kind of siliver chest. The game takes some practice before you start wining. When you win, you get more gold then a wooden chest and posiably a treasure. You start seeing them is marly bone and they reapear in dragon spyre. The harder the world you are in, the better cards and gold amounts a chest will give. Opening a sliver chest in dragon spyre will give better rewards then if you open one in marly bone. One time I opened and won a sliver chest in dragon spyre and won the scarecrow treasure card so you never know what you can get. You mostly see them in marly bone and a bit less commonly in dragon spyre. Unfortunally, those are the only worlds you can get sliver chests but wooden chests are everywhere.

Jul 01, 2010
From my experience,

To beat the game is easy just click on all the tiles as quickly as you can then arrange as needed. And there's no other minigame.

You can find some on the roofs of MB it's random and it's luck.

I usually get a treasure card but sometimes I get 50+ gold.

Aug 21, 2009
click all the boxes you can right away to see the pipes, then move all the streight pipes into a row to get to the right edge, finish by finding the bent pieces you need... it is still hard, easy to get all the way over to the right but often difficult to find or place the very last pipe section you need in time

Mar 03, 2009
Let's see...tips....this is gonna be hard to explain, but I will give it a shot.

Well, once the game starts, I quickly locate the start and end points. Then, as quick as I can, I start to click on all the tiles between those points, creating the pathway I will be using to make the connections from start to end. It's best to make the shortest, most direct path you can.

Once that's done, I will do my best to start clearing off all the other tiles, swapping them out with the ones in my "path" in order to connect the start/end points. I think the key here is not to panic, but still move quickly. Yes, easier said than done, but the more of these you play, the better you will get at them.

Some other general info:
The straight tubes move the spark along at normal speed, the wavy ones slow it down, and the ones that are narrow in the middle speed it up. Using the "slow" tubes will give you a little bit more time to make all the connections, while using the "fast" tubes will get you to the other side faster, which supposedly gives you a better reward. Remember, you can still work towards completing your connections even if the spark has ignited and is moving along the path.

To swap out tiles, click on the tile you want to get rid of, and then click on the tile you want to replace it with.

If the "X" is in your path between start/end points, you will have to navigate the spark around it by using the correct tiles.

The rewards I've gotten from these are usually gold, with the occasional treasure card. I don't know what else you can get from these, as that is all I've ever gotten. The gold amount seems to be on par with the regular treasure chests in the area.


Jul 17, 2009
try to make the shortest path and it doesnt matter if theyre different pieces any path works

Jun 01, 2010
If you win the game you get gold or something awesome, but I avoyed those because they dont give you enough time, to do all of them. Someones really gotta fix em.

Sep 21, 2009
I find silver chests to be slightly fun. I like unhiding about 80% of the tiles first, and then switching the tiles to make a path.

However, beware: in some of the locations, you may get caught in a battle immediately after you finish the mini-game.